Chapter 4 - Bear The Pain

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That night, Jihwan returned with a woman again and Dahee just surrendered with it.

"Luckily, I can't kill you Jihwan..." she mumbled and both of them were doing inappropriate scenes, under 18 are not allowed to watch!

But the same things happen again and that woman begging for her life at him but after Dahee can confirm that Jihwan killed her, she becomes more curious and questions the real identity of him.

He brought her body into that room and came out with blood all over his body.

"I can't believe a doctor that everyone admired was a psychopath..." she said while he was in shower.

It was a weekend and Jihwan didn't go out and it made Dahee's work harder as she still needs to find some food for her human body

"Why is he still at home though, can't he just go find someone or anything?" she sighed and saw Jihwan was sitting in the living room.

"I can't use the front door or the window. I don't want to starve and die here..." she said and heard someone knock on the door.

Jihwan, who was sitting on the couch, opened the door and saw his next door neighbour, the old lady.

"Madam Lee...come in," he said.

"Ouh thank you Jihwan~" she said while holding a basket of fruits.

"Why are you suddenly visiting me?" he asked, while serving her a cup of tea.

"I just want to see your wife today~" she said.

"Wife? But I'm not married yet..." he was confused.

"I'm done for real now..." she sighed.

"You're not? But I saw your wife twice, I just saw her enter your house yesterday..." Madam Lee said.

"Then, can you describe how she looked?" he asked.

"She got red-brownish hair, it was at shoulder level and her eyes were golden brown" she said and it makes Jihwan remember a woman that he accidentally grabbed a few days ago.

"Y-yeah, that's my wife" he pretended to know so she'll not suspended.

"Then, can I meet her? We never have a proper talk~" she said.

"Ouh I'm very sorry but she went to her parent's home for a while, we have not really gotten along recently..." he said without hesitation, a good liar he is.

"Ouh, what a miss, I got a lot to talk with her but since she's not here, I'm just gonna get going...make sure to get along~ I'm waiting for good news~" she said and left his house.

Jihwan was closing the door and started to check around in his house but there's nothing until he was about to check under his bed and that time when Dahee was almost exposed. Luckily someone was calling that time.

"Yeoboseyo..." he said.

"Jihwan-ah, I got something to talk with you..." a man's voice was heard.

"Ah hyung...what do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"My sister, she lost..." that man said.

"Lost? So sudden?" Jihwan was confused.

"Not exactly, but can you look for her? You got a lot of connections right?" the man said.

"Hyung, I don't even know what appearance she is, how can I look for her? And I have some matters here to settle, why don't you get help from Sangcheol hyung?" he suggested.

"Sangcheol? Can you send the address to me?" he asked.

"Sure...he is always free on weekends..." Jihwan said and they ended the call.

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