Chapter 14 - Confession

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The drinking party was finished and everyone asked permission to leave. At the end, Jihwan, Soohyuk, Dahee and Soomin were the only ones that still left.

"Why are you lying to sunbae?" Soomin asked Jihwan, they're talking outside of the restaurant.

Jihwan wasn't answering and just looked at her "what do you think I should say?" he said.

"I don't know, tell him the truth at least?…!"

"What's wrong with telling him that she's my girlfriend? I don't know where's the wrong side of it…"

"You lying Jihwan! Lie! Dojin sunbae was trusting you well and you lied to him!" she said in anger.

"What if it's a lie? I can make it true anyway…" he said and walked into the restaurant, seeing Dahee and Soohyuk already drunk.

"Soohyuk-ssi!!!" Dahee called.

"Ne, sister-in-law!!" he responded.

Why...did Jiwan say to his sunbae that I was hissss girlfwiend?!!"

"I don't know, maybeee he alweady fall for you…hehe" he said in a drunk face.

"Fall? Fall from whereee??? Is he injuwed?!!" she is staggering.

"Injuwed in his head, hehe~~" Soohyuk ended up sleeping on the table.

"Aww…you alweady sleep…wake up Soohyuk-ssiiiii!! I'm bowing…" she shaked his body but he was already sinking in his dream.

"You're a bad fwiend, Soohyuk-ssi…" she put her head on the table and closed her eyes.

Then, Jihwan wakes her up.

"Dahee…let's go home" he said.

"Noo…I want to sleep…this is a comfortable bed" Dahee mumbled.

"This is not a bed…let's go home and you'll lay on your bed…" he picked up her body.

"Don't touch me!!" she was mad at him and pointed a finger at him.

"Okay…" he immediately let go of his hand from her body.

"You…a bastard!" she said and he giggled.

"So suddenly?" he asked.

"Yeah…you lied to your suwnbae!! I'm not your girlfwienddd!!" she walked past him and hit her head at the door.

"Auch! Why did you hwit my hwead!! You're a bad dwog! No…dwoor!!" she yelled at the door and it made Jihwan hold his laugh.

"Okay, okay, it's a bad door, let's go" he led her out.

"Jihwan-ssiiii~~" she called.


"Why you lied to your swunbae?" she asked.

"Just for fun…"

"That's no fun!!! You big big liarrr!!!" she was mad.

"That's not a lie if I can make it true…" he looked at her.

Dahee blinking her eyes, try to looked at him properly " but lie is lie and truth is truth, what do you mean by lie is twuth?" she asked.

"I mean, I can change those lies to true, like make dreams come true…" he explained.

"Dreams come true?! Then…make yourself a demon!!" she stands in front of him and points a finger.

"Why do I need to do that?" he put his hands in his pocket.

"Cause that's what I saw in my dream!! You're a demon…make that dream come true, pweaseee~" she makes her cute face.

"Give me one reason, why do I need to be a demon?" he grabbed her chin and smirked.

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