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We began walking. I didn't know where I was going in all honesty. I only knew the routes from each class no where else.

"So how was your day?" Luke asked. Wow, he's actually being cordial. This is so rare. I feel like the Gods are playing tricks on me.

"It was pretty good. I just watched some of my friends fall in love." I smiled. I was happy for them.

"Yeah, its been a long time coming really." He said, adjusting his snapback.

"Y-you said you and Jenna dated? Right?" I asked, I was nervous he would get upset or something.

"I wouldn't say dated. She wasn't my girlfriend. I don't really do that kind of thing anymore. We were a thing for like a month but it was pretty damn clear she was interested in someone else. So we just stopped." He explained calmly, normally.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That must've been difficult." I stared at the ground.

"Nothing a little vodka can't fix. Besides, it's not like I was in love with Jenna or anything. Just having a good time." He shrugged, trying to lighten the mood I suppose. "I moved on pretty quickly." He chuckled and smirked to himself.

There's the asshole I know.

"Oh I'm sure." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He asked me, turning to walk backwards facing me.

"Nothin'." I shrugged. He narrowed his eyes at me with a smile on his face.

"Does it have anything to do with what that girl told you at the diner the other day?" He asked. God damn, this kid knows everything.

"So what if it does?" I looked up at him.

"Do you believe everything people tell you?" He asks, his tone more mocking than anything else.

"Depends on who's telling me." I shrugged.

"Well you shouldn't. I'm not some type of man whore. People lie, a lot." He said. "You don't have to listen to everything other people tell you." He said.

"I don't." I protested, "Were you lying to me when you said you weren't all bad?"

"W-what? No, of course not." he spat.

"See, not all people lie. There's a lot of good in people." I said. I looked forward, he was quiet at my statement.

"How can you be so positive?" he asked, "You were just stood up by some guy who led you on for weeks and you still say there's good in people?"

"Just because one person screw me over doesn't mean all of them will." I said, reminding me of being stood up hurt a little bit. I could tell neither of us wanted to continue this conversation.

"I heard you listening to Panic! the other night? Is that your kind of music?" he asked, I got really excited at the mention.

"Yeah! I listen to all that kind of stuff. Panic!, All Time Low is banging, and Fall Out Boy is probably my favorite, or maybe Mayday Parade. Blink is still the best though." I said, I could have kept going but I didn't know his reaction.

"They're great live, have you ever seen any of them?" His tone was truly curious.

"No, I wish! I've always wanted to." I groaned in agony, I wanted to see them all live.

"They're amazing. I've seen em all. Me and Cal took a road trip last spring and summer and went to see them all." he said. We talked a little more about music before I looked around realizing I had no idea where we were.

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