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We sat in his car. I rubbed my legs that were so freezing as I was only in Luke's boxers.

He put his warm hand on my thigh. I felt a tingling sensation the moment he touched me.

"Are you cold?" He asked, beginning to rub his hand up and down my thigh slowly.

"A little, yeah." I replied, he turned his AC off. He glanced over at me. Looked at his hand on my thigh.  He then grabbed my hand and placed it on the gear shift, interlocking our fingers atop it. He knew exactly how he made me feel, the little cocky bastard. I leaned the seat all the way back then leaned on my side facing him.

To be blunt I was staring at him. He intrigued me in every way possible. In that moment I felt so happy that he ran after me. I was crazy to have ran away earlier.

I needed him. He needed me, I hope.

It really was that simple. I shouldn't have kept second guessing myself.

"So I figured I'd take you to this place a little outside of town, I know you're only in pajamas still and you would feel nervous we'd see someone. I figured lets just skip you going home and getting changed." He said, eyes still on the road.

"Well, I mean I could change back into that dress if you don't want to drive that-" I started,

"No. It's the middle of the day I can't be turned on this early." He said, tightening his grip on my hand. "Needless to say it's hard enough for me to look at you in my clothes." I felt my face get hot.

"Really? You don't think they're too baggy?" I asked, remembering what he said to me that one night in my dorm room.

"You make it work." He winked, it made my heart flutter. He parked right outside a tiny cafe.

We walked in together, not holding hands or anything though. He told the waitress at the podium something. Honestly I wasn't really paying attention. It was so loud in here. I realized how many people were in there and suddenly all my voices came flooding back.

They probably all think you're crazy


You don't even have any makeup on

He probably just feels sorry for you

These people all know how you're reaching in this relationship

What relationship? He doesn't want to call you his girlfriend because of how gross you are.

"Autumn?" Luke's voice snapped me out of my head. I pulled the sleeves of his sweatshirt over my fists and grabbed his arm. "Babe, are you okay?" He asked. I only nodded in response as the voices continued.

"You're okay. You're with me. It's okay, you're safe." He kissed my forehead as we were being directed towards a booth in the back. We sat next to each other and he let me hold his hand under the table as we looked over a menu together.

We looked over the menu and I looked for the smallest thing possible. When the waitress came, Luke spoke

"I'll have the wolfman jack with 4 pancakes, bacon & sausage with sourdough toast." He told her, the before I could speak he continued "And she'll have the denver omelette with bacon, hash browns, and fresh fruit." He smiled and gave her the menu. She smiled and winked at him and he looked away.

"Hey, I didn't tell you I wanted that. I was going to get something else." I hit his chest,

"Like what? A fruit bowl for like $2. No, no. Don't be polite that's bullshit I saw you eyeing the Denver omelet. And I want you to get what you really want." He said,

"You're the worst." I rolled my eyes, I acted like I was playing but really, hearing that I would be getting that much food terrified me.

"No, I'm the best. And I care about you, let me care about you." He reminded me, it was a nice intention. I squeezed his hand in response, he silently winced as I looked down at his bruised knuckles I remembered thats the hand he used to hit that guy. I kissed his knuckle and then brought his large hand into my lap and held it with both hands.

"Your hands are cold." He said. "And your nails are turning purple."

"I know," I chuckled. He picked up both away from my lap and started blowing on them. His warm breath gave me tingles and goosebumps. I shivered in response to him as we sat there. He must not know why my nails are turning purple, it's not because their cold.

"Here." He took off his jacket and placed it on my legs that weren't being covered by any part of clothing. I laughed in my head about how I'm only wearing Luke's clothing, I loved this feeling. Maybe someone can take care of me.

"I'm tired." I spoke after a small silence.

"Probably because we stayed up until like 4 am." He smirked.

"Yeah, probably." I smiled, "Worth it though."

"You think?" His façade broke momentarily as a shimmer of excitement twinkled in his eyes.

"I do." I smiled at this sudden change.

I put my head on his shoulder. I hadn't even looked at my phone in hours. That's usually what I use to distract myself from my embarrassments and looking at people in the eye.

But with him, it's like I forget everything about the outside world and its just us. Just us in this sea of people and responsibility and craziness. Like none of that matters. As long as we care for each other. I actually want to look him in the eyes when usually i would cripple under that kind of intimacy. I don't know why he's different for me, he just is.

And it's about time I let him be different for me. Maybe I can end this endless cat and mouse game for now. Because right now, with him, I don't really care that I'll probably miss my next class, nothing important was going on anyway.

"If you want to take a small nap, you can. I'll wake you up when food comes." Luke hot breath whispered in my ear.

I mumbled a response and snuggled my head further into his neck. It just felt right. My eyes closed and his hand in mine. His smell intoxicating my lungs and every word being tattooed in my brain.

I remember every fact he's told me in the last 24 hours. I dreamt about them now. His favorite movie (Anchorman). His favorite TV show (How I Met Your Mother). His favorite animal (Penguin). His favorite color (blue). How much he loves his guitars. His favorite bands. His favorite songs.

I loved every single piece of his puzzle. Why did I think running would help? We can do this. Surely we can.

I hope we can always stay just like this.

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