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We walked to the front steps, lugging my last two suitcases.

"Alright I'm on the first floor, do you want me to walk you to your room?" Izzy asked,

"No, no. I'll be okay. Thanks for taking me. My mom is really unpredictable." I gave her a shy smile,

"Anytime, babe. You give me a call if you need anything, and I'm in room 134 if you need a cuddle buddy, like when we were younger." We both laughed, thinking about when we were kids. When it was safe, easier. No worries. Less scary.

"Thank you. So much. I might just have to take you up on that last one. I'm in 387 if you want a cuddle buddy." I gave her a hug and we split our ways,

I went up to the empty room. I had the early move-in. My roommate is coming in an hour for hers. I decided to move my stuff into my bathroom, we had little communication about what things we needed to get for our room, so I brought as much as I could. Thank goodness I'm getting 200 dollars every 2 weeks from my mom.

I took this time to text my Mother. Telling her I'd gotten here. Not that she'd really care now would she.

I pulled out my bedding, a light gray comforter with light coral pink flowers that cover over some areas. With somewhat matching pillows and sheets. We had to buy cheaper ones to lower the price of the comforter I've had since I was 9.

But I didn't really care, if it was childish who was I pulling in to see my bed at the time?

Knock knock

I jumped at the sudden new noise over my Blink-182 music playing from my phone.

I slowly opened the door, nervous to have human interaction, or if I was in trouble, or in the wrong room?

"Hello?" A voice asked to the cracked door, it was deep and boyish.

"Hi." I squeaked as I was met with a beautiful boy.

His messy curly hair flopping over his forehead, his school t-shirt, a volunteer for today which means he's probably a sophomore or junior in college, clung to his body beautifully. He wasn't tall, like he was, but wasn't like terrifyingly tall. His arms had biceps the size of my head. His smile was even more gorgeous, I couldn't help but smile too.

"I just wanted to tell you to try and keep the music down a bit. I could hear it from out here, and I don't want you getting in trouble if a Dorm Advisor came by." He said, I have to admit it went through one ear and out the other he was so pretty I couldn't focus.

"Y-Yeah. Thank you." I stuttered, good job, Autumn. Smooth. Too many fantasies.

"I'm Ashton, by the way. Im in my third year here. If you have any trouble, come to me." He smiled again, god damn.

"I'm Autumn. Thank you." He giggled, hE FUCKING GIGGLED, "What?"

"You just thank me a lot. I usually get the door slammed in my face." He shrugs,

"Would you prefer it? I could do that if you'd like." I kid,

"No, no, it's nice being appreciated." He nods, "See you around, Autumn."

And just before I closed the door, "And lovely music choice."

I quickly thanked him before shutting the door. I usually go for the more punkish looking but hot damn. Man. If I get a cute boy like that every day, I don't think I'd mind college.


Right on time I hear the next wave of kids coming. Well I guess not really kids now. My heart raced waiting to see my roommates face, and really meet her.

She'll be dissapointed it's you. Your mother was upset she lived with you too.

I sat on my bed, hoping she wouldn't mind I chose this one. I adjusted my bunny stuffed animal I've had since I was born, and hid him behind my pillow. I played with my dark brown, dull, hair. Waiting, when I heard a key in the lock, I quickly sat up and adjusted myself on the bed.

She walked in. She was tall, beautiful. She had not too tan but not pale skin, big blue eyes, and multicolored hair. By that I mean, she had blond hair, which I'm assuming was her natural hair, then colors of red, purple, green, blue, and some pink as well mixed in. She freaking rocked it too which sucked. She had a lip ring, and peircings up her ears. She stumbled in the small doorway with her bags, and flipped her hair out of her eyes before looking at me. She wore a black "All Time Low" T-shirt with jeans and converse. I already like her.

"Hi! I'm Jenna." She smiled, her teeth were all white and pretty.

"H-hi. I'm Autumn." I smiled back, "Do you need any help with your bags?" I asked,

"Oh no, my brothers taking the rest of them up, thanks." She rolled her two suitcases in and next to her bed.

"I chose this bed, I hope you don't mind." I said quickly, saying that out loud sounds really lame,

"Nope. It just a place to sleep anyway." She shrugged, "You've got a nice collection of posters there." She smiled,

I looked back at my wide range of posters. All my favorite bands.

"Yeah.. I like your shirt. I love All Time Low." I said,

"Then I think this will be a good thing we're rooming together." Jenna laughed and went back to unzipping an unpacking, when who I'm assuming was her brother burst in,

He had colors in his hair too. He had black in his roots, then red and dark purple tips. He had pale skin, but a tall nice body, light green eyes and big red lips. His skin was covered with tattoos. Even his fingers had them. He wore a plaid shirt with the sleeves cut off, I greatly appreciated it.

"Jesus, Jenna, you have way too much stuff. Do you really need this?" He asked, muffled by his strain to fit 3 suitcases through the door.

"Yes, if I thought I wasn't going to need it I wouldn't have brought it." Jenna grumbles,

"Fine." He pulled them to her desk, "Glad I'm not living in this shit hole anymore."

"Wow, thanks so much for the positive encouragement." She said, with the most sarcasm a person could offer,

"Your welcome." He chirped, his eyes landed on me. I kind of froze, I had been silent the entire time, kind of dreading being seen.

"And this is your roommate?" He asked, walking over to me. Jenna turned around between where I sat on the bed and where her brother stood,

"Oh yeah, Autumn this is Michael. Michael this is Autumn." He extended his hand to me,

"Hello, Autumn." He said, cocky little shit ain't he. He kind of scared me to be honest. His entire body sent off this chilling vibe,

"Michael. No. Roommates, off limits." Jenna broke our handshake, she must've noticed something I didn't.

"Ha, you're one to talk aren't you."

"Thats why the rule was made, asshole." She shrugged, "Thank you for bringing up the suitcases. I can take it from here. Call Dad to say we're okay."

Michael only nodded his head and left.

"Sorry about that. He's a weird kid." She went back to unpacking.

"Thats okay. I don't have any siblings. You guys seem close?"

"Closer than the usual siblings I guess." She shrugs. "He's 2 years older. He goes here too. He told me to apply here just so he could make sure I was okay." She tells me,

"That's sweet."

"Not when he's always in your stuff and doesn't leave you alone." We awkwardly laugh,

Better than always being alone, I thought. Thats hard though. You can never have the right amount of anything I guess. It's either too much or not enough. When will it ever be just right?

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