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The smell of booze was overwhelming. Luke wasn't by my side for long. He knew some guys at the door, and I just kept walking, trying to search for Jenna or Janin.

I saw all the guys, all in different groups. I saw Ashton in the kitchen and decided to ask him where Jenna had gone.

"Ash!" I had to yell over the loud music. "Where's Jenna?"

"Heyyyyy! It's Autumn!" He hugged me, "Have a drink!" He placed a cup in my hand.

"What's in it?" I asked.

"Beer, I think." he said, sniffing it. "Yes, Beer!" he assured me.

"Ok, Where's Jenna?" I asked,

"Hell should I know. Man I loVE that girl." He said, "Isn't she a hottie?" he giggled.

"Yes she is." I smiled,

"Let's find her! I wanna see my girl!"

And so we went. We went past more drunk people and into the backyard where Jenna and Janin were. Jenna was in the midst of taking her shirt off and dancing to the music surrounded by many other males. She was probably unaware that this would intrigue others, Jenna is that way. Sometimes she just loses herself in her own head. She's very humble to the fact of others looking at her body, it doesn't ever click that others are attracted to it.

Ashton sobered up very quickly. Pulling her out of the crowd, despite her objections and he pulls her shirt back on her head. I watched as he tried to get her to realize not to do that here. She laughed at him and booped his nose. The thing about both of them is that they're both happy drunks, very happy.

Thats when she saw me, "Autumn! Autumn! Oh my gosh there you are!" She ran over grabbing my wrist and pulling me over.

"I'm so glad you're here, there's someone I want you to meet!" She exclaimed. I assumed it was their friend Jesse but to my surprise it wasn't. Ashton followed close behind us, probably trying to watch over his girlfriend.

"Autumn, this is Trent." I looked up at the tall, athletic boy. He was very handsome, brown curly hair with a backwards hat, blue eyes, wonderful jawline with some scruff. He wore a white t-shirt, a school frat jacket over it, and khakis.

"Trent this is Autumn." She patted my shoulder as I shook his hand, "To get your mind off things." She whispered and left me there. Greaaat.

"Hi." He smiled at me, a bottle of bear in his hand. He didn't seem like a bad guy.

"Hi." I smiled back, "How are you?" I asked,

"Pretty good, you?" He asked, putting a hand in his pocket.

"A little overwhelmed to be honest." I laughed nervously, "I just got here."

"Well you look, wow." He said, raising an eyebrow,

"Thank you." I blushed.

"How come I've never seen you here before?" He asked,

"I don't know. I guess I'm kinda new to the party scene." I shrugged,

"Well I'm glad you've joined." He winked, "You want a tour?" He asked, I nodded in response.

We walked past the people, going through the kitchen, the den, we walked down a long stairway from the the pool area to get to a small balcony/porch thingy where only a few other guys were.

I started to get nervous walking down there with those guys. What if this was a trap to get raped? I've seen so many Law & Orders and 20/20 where that happen to young girls.

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