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"Babe, wake up.." Luke's voice spoke, "Food is here."

I propped my head up from his shoulder and looked around. I reminded myself of where I was. Taking a nap was a bad idea as I'm more tired now then I was before.

"Come on, lets get some food in you." He said, rubbing my back. I looked at the food. It looked amazing, for once food actually looked good. I couldn't believe this, I haven't looked at food like this since I was 14.

I started with my omelet which was so good. For once I didn't feel awful about consuming this food. This was so rare and new to me. I hoped it wouldn't go away, maybe I wouldn't be crazy.

"You like it?" He asked,

"It's so good!" I exclaimed in happiness. For an appetite actually now existed in my stomach for the first time in who knows how long.

"You're so cute.." he laughed, continuing eating his food.

"Do you have class today?" I asked,

"Yeah I have Philosophy at 6, do you?" he asked,

"Yeah, I have a Criminology class at 4." I shrugged,

"You know it's like 2:30 now right?" he said, looking at his watch.

"I know.." I said, leaning my head onto his shoulder again.

"I don't want you to miss another class." he said,

"I won't." I said, "We'll leave at 3:15 and I can still make it on time."

"Ok, if you insist." He smiled, he picked up his drink trying to be smooth but the straw ended up going up his nose instead of in his mouth. I started dying laughing because his face after looked so stunned as a splash of water spilt onto his shirt.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He pushed me playfully,

"I can't NOT laugh at you!" I said, rather loud. People started to look at me but for once I didn't care.

We both continued to sit there as I laughed, and his growing grin while he tried to maintain his stink face.

"You're lucky your laugh is adorable otherwise I swear I would just leave." He said, shaking his head

"Sure you would." I roll my eyes. I grab some napkins and begin dabbing the wet spot on his chest.

"I can do it myself-" he said attempting to grab the napkin out of my hand,

"No, I feel bad for laughing." I said a bit too quickly. I didnt feel bad for laughing. Honestly its just that hes wearing a white shirt and I can see his chest and now I wanna touch it.

"You just want to touch my chest don't you?" He smirked,

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat noooooooo." I smirked back, staring at where my hands are and not his face as I know that cocky glint in his eye has surely returned.

"Ahh, okay." He nods then leans back.

After we finish our food Luke gets up to go pay as I use the restroom. I went pee then looked myself in the mirror as I washed my hands. Wow I looked disgusting, I didnt even see myself until now really.

I lifted the sweatshirt up to see my stomach slightly bulging from the food I just ate. I sighed as I covered it up quickly then rubbed my eyes in attempt to wake myself up.

Leaving the bathroom I soon found that cocky grinned kid. He smiled at me with his jacket replaced on his body.

We walked out, I wanted him to hold my hand again although unlikely because his cockiness is restored.

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