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My alarm went off at 1. First class is at 4, that tends to be my average wake up time so I had to set an alarm.

Jenna had class at 11, so I sat alone in a dorm room. I wondered how he go herself up, she took a guy to our room last night. That was a very awkward thing to pretend to not exist while hearing that.

I got up slowly and walked to my mirror. I stared at myself for what seemed like a decade.

I hate myself

Why can't you be the cool, mysterious girl? One that boys want to figure out?Not some insecure, lame teenager.

I thought about Luke. After our "conversation" I left the party, and walked back the 11 miles. I didn't care. Nobody noticed either.

I don't need something like that. My brain is complicated enough, it doesn't need other people making it worse. I am paying to be here to learn how to be a forensic scientist or a criminal psychologist. Not to have friends. Or a boyfriend, as much as I've prayed for one.

I still had the colors in my hair, though a lot of them had come onto my pillow as well. I threw on a shirt that said in black letters "Meow" with a little cat face in the "O". I didn't feel like putting on pants yet, so I didn't. I turned on music and sat in bed on my cell phone.

I had a text from my mom, she first said good luck today, and that she trusts me to make good choices and that she loves me. Thats probably one of the things I like about my mom. When she actually tries a little. She's bipolar and blunt. But also brutally honest, which I appreciate. I texted her back a thank you.

I also had a few new twitter and instagram followers. All kids that I met yesterday and the day before. Jordan and Sabina from moving day, Janin and Amber next door, Lillie from last night, Calum and Michael, !!!aShToN!!, and the boy from last night, Nick was his name.

Ive never gained so many so quickly. My only notification was a DM from Nick, he asked where I had gone. I asked how he got my twitter.

I couldn't help but notice that Luke didn't do any of that. Did he hate me? He hated me. I don't care. I don't. It's not the first time. I don't like him at all either. Self-absorbed and rude.

But not wrong.

Suddenly my phone started buzzing,


"Hey Auty!" Izzy chirped, "Me and Jordan were going to go to the diner down the street, Sabina works there, and were wondering if you'd like to come?" She asked,

"Oh! That'd be great!" I said, "Just going to have to put some clothes on first. Meet you in the common room?"

"Sure! Meet you there in like a half hour?"

"Sounds good. See ya!"


Because its fall, I threw on black ripped skinny jeans, put a black beanie on, rolled up my sleeves a bit, grabbed my glasses, converse, and watch, made my eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man, and was on my way.

We walked up to this old diner, Sabina in her almighty beauty said it had been around since 1957, and that it felt like thats how long her shifts are.

We were sat in a small booth, me facing the door. Suddenly a group of 4 tall boys waltzed through the door and were seated in the booth behind us.

I tried to hide behind my menu, I thought it had worked, until Jenna and Janin walked in behind them.

"Is that Autumn?" Janin pulled my menu out of my hands, I faked my smile, the girls were truly nice. Heck they were basically my roommates. But I can't handle the guys.

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