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I sat at the counter waiting for Sabina to bring me my water.

"So you really pushed Luke Hemmings out of your room last week?" She asked, narrowing her eyes,

"Absolutely." I stood my ground, "He's a douche and I want no part of it." I shrugged.

"You know how many girls would've loved to been you? Like 95% of girls at this college want him in their pants?" She said surprised, "the other 5% just want to be in his, or lesbian." She leaned against the counter. "I mean personally I wouldn't be going for it, I like someone else, but if he asked, would I really say no?"

"Well make it 4.99% because this 0.01% wants no part of Luke Hemmings." I said louder than I thought,

"What part of me do you want?" A deep voice came to sit next to me at the counter.

"Oh, this has got to be a joke." I said putting my face in my hands,

"What? I come here every Wednesday for lunch at 2:30." He looked at Sabina, "Could I just get my usual, babe." She nodded and turned to go to the back,

"Sabina- wait-" but she was already gone, I looked over to him spinning back and forth in his bar stool like a child.

"What part of me do you want?" He asked again,

"None." I moved to the next bar stool on my left,

"That's not very nice." He bit his lip and moved next to me again,

"Since when do you care about being nice?" I rolled my eyes and moved again,

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about what you said. How 'I'm incapable of having a real conversation'" he mimicked me, if there was a way I could roll my eyes more I would, "And you're wrong. I can do that." He said, scooting closer again,

"Really? Without any repulsive, suggestive, self absorbed, or rude comments? I'd like to see you try, Hemmings." I laughed,

"Hello, my name is Luke, what is yours?" He offered his hand to me,

"Autumn." I shook his hand,

"What a beautiful autumn day it is, don't you think, Autumn?" He smirked,

"Oh, you think your funny?" I raised an eyebrow, testing him,

"I am hilarious." He sat up straight,

"See you ruined it." I smiled and shook my head,

"What no! Come on what was wrong with that?" He asked,

"It was a little self absorbed!" I told him,

"It was a joke!" He said, "C'mon, all girls like confidence, don't they?"

"There is a big difference between confidence and cocky. And you, my boy, are what is classified as cocky." I pointed at him, and momentarily got a little caught in his deep blue eyes, "A-and c-cockiness is not attractive." I tore away,

You piece of shit you like him, you want him.

Wtf no?

"Where the heck is Sabina with your food, anyway?" I turned towards the kitchen,

"I don't know. It's a lot of food. I just order like half the menu." He shrugged,

"Seriously?" I raised an eyebrow,

"I'm a growing boy." He said in defense,

"Aren't you like 19?" I laughed,

"18. Lets not get ahead of ourselves." He narrowed his eyes,

I looked around again, and I saw a red headed boy that was very familiar to the only party I had been too. The one that found all my social medias and tries to get me to text him all the time.

"Oh no." I shifted uncomfortably, and kept my hand covering my face,

"Autumn?" Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

"Hey.." I actually forgot his name,

"Nick." He filled in,

"I knew that!" Lol no i didnt,

"You know you never returned held up your end of the deal?"

"Oh, I uh, felt sick so I left before I heard that song." I shrugged, you know what, why am I avoiding this kid, he seems nice, I'll give him a chance.

"Well, I played Alone Together by Fall Out Boy." He smiled, "I figured who wouldn't like Fall Out Boy." Good music taste. I can dig it,

"I love Fall Out Boy." I smiled,

"So? This means. I get my part."

"Okay." Pulled out a napkin and a pen from my bag and wrote down my phone number.

"Thank you, beautiful Autumn." I smiled at him politely and turned back to Luke, who was less than happy,

"Are you okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow,

"Why would you do that?" He looked very serious,

"What? I figure maybe bumping into him again is a sign to give him a chance. Its not like I have a million guys knocking on my door, like you said right?" I shrugged, taking a sip of my water,

"Yeah. Sure." He sighed, that was when Sabina came out with his order.

He wasn't joking when he said "I order like half the menu."

"Are you stocking up for the week?" I said in shock,

He had a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, onion rings, a milk shake, and a soda. A lot of food, especially in my eyes.

"No, just until dinner." He dug in. I checked my watch, it was nearly 3.

"Well there is never a dull moment with you, Luke." I shook my head,

He gasped

"You called me by only Luke?" He held his chest, "Does that mean you don't hate me?" He smirked, pausing from his food,

"I didn't say that." I shook my head, moving to the last bar stool, but my fat ass missed and I fell back and landed on the floor, I sat up on my elbows and held my head.

Of course, Luke was laughing his head off, like it was the funniest thing ever.

"Autumn, are you okay?" Sabina started walking from around the counter,

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just bruise like a peach." She reached her hand out to help me up,

I looked at Luke and rolled my eyes.

"I'm clumsy, okay?" He continued to laugh,

"Obviously." He smiled, and continued his meal,

I sat there, when I got a text message it was Nick,

Hey there pretty lady (; it's the boy with a good taste in music

I smiled.

"Okay, so if you gave him, a complete stranger, a chance," he stopped, "I feel like I deserve a chance. Fresh. I'm not all bad. Let me prove it." He threw his hands up in surrender,

He has a valid point


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