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Alright, college. Day 4. Lets keep going.

C'mon Autumn.. Get out of bed.. Come on.. Just another day.

Move.. Class is in an hour. You've been laying here for 3 hours. Thats enough. Come on.

Alright there you go, you got this.

I got out of bed finally. I stood up and stared at my empty dorm room.

I felt so alone. My mom hasn't even called me yet.

I got dressed, undressed, redressed at least 6 times before deciding my outfit. I walked to my dreaded psychology class again.

I actually loved this class. But I hated who "wanted" to sit next to me. He's so annoying with that smirk he wears on his face. How he knows he's so good looking.

It's annoying. No, its aggravating. I can't understand why I care so much.

I walked in and sat in a desk on the other side of class, in the front so I could see. I was next to a boy with glasses. I figured if he doesn't introduce himself soon, I will. I need to break my shell. I'll do it. I will.

Then I saw blondie himself. He waltzed in and sat himself behind the boy next to me.

We were halfway through the class when,

"Autumn.. Autumn.." A whisper from behind me, "Do you have a pencil?"

"-No talking please." The professor said out of context of the lecture,


I grabbed a pen quickly and put it on his desk to get rid of him asking before we got kicked out of class or something.

I later near the end of class got a note handed to me from the girl behind me,

Hey you going to the party tonight?

I crumpled it up and put it in my notebook.


I got another one and put it back in my notebook.

When the professor dismissed us, I tried to leave with the majority of the pack to avoid Luke.

"Hey." It was like this guy would pop out of no where Jesus Christ.

"You going to the party or?" He asked,

"Wasn't there just a party?" I asked,

"This one is for the end of the first week." He told me,

"Parties aren't really my kind of thing i guess. Plus like you said, I don't belong there and it's not like you want me to be your friend so why would I go?" I said, I tried to maintain a hard face but I knew my eyes probably gave it away by the way he looked at me,

"Just come with Jenna." He sighed, and walked away,

Seriously? He just walked away from me? Why should I go anywhere he is.

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