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Luke has been avoiding me since that night. He hasn't even came to class. I am now even more confused than I was a week ago.

He can't hide from me forever, can he? Thank god Jenna doesn't know what happened. Or she would've been grilling me on my feelings. Her bubbly, but nosey, personality getting into every detail.

Instead when I came into our small dorm room, I was met with my roommate laying on her bed, head in a pillow.

"Hey Jen, you okay?" I asked, silence.

"No." She responded after a minute.

"Whatsup?" I asked, pulling a chair up beside her.

"I just.. Okay if I tell you this, you have to promise me you can't tell anyone. Not even Janin knows this." Jenna looked me right in the eye.

Slowly, I nodded. I was worried for my friend.

"Okay." She swallowed. "I am just frustrated with my feelings. I have liked, I don't think I can even say that anymore, loved Ashton for the last year. I don't really know how to deal with this. He is a year older, we've both been with other people. Heck I even dated Luke briefly." She cringed, I wanted to ask but bit my tongue. "I want to make him jealous so I told him all about my date with that guy Andy on the soccer team. But nothing. He was just a friend saying how he was so happy for me. But I don't want to go on dates with some hunky soccer player! I want to go on dates with a sweaty, awkward, pony-loving fucking loser named Ashton!" She shouted, probably a little louder than she should've. "And it's not fair he'll never think of me like that." She said quietly after.

I was about ready to console her when through the door we heard a small "Is that true?"

We both recognized him right away. Jenna's head shot up and stared hard at the door, jaw wide open, realizing what happened.

"Jenna? I know you're in there." We heard again, I moved to open the door but Jenna made a frantic sign that she will kill me if I do. But I did it any way.

"Hey Ash, how much did you hear, and how much do I need to fill you in on?" I asked him as I opened the door.

"I think I caught all that was important, thanks." He said, staring past me and at- I'm assuming- Jenna.

"Good." I sighed, getting no feed back, "Alright then I'm just going to go. Um.. You guys have a nice time. Stay out of trouble." I said, pushing Ashton into our room and shutting the door behind me.

I contemplated actually leaving but I decided on leaning in and listening to the conversation.

"Jenna, is that true?" Ashton said.

"Yeah." She muttered, "You weren't supposed to know like this."

"Look at me. Jenna, look at me." He demanded, I'm assuming she was staring at the floor. "I feel the same way, ok? I was just scared with you going out with that guy and all. You deserve much better than me. I'm a loser." He said, my heart was beating so quickly for them. I love them.

"Are you locked out?" I heard a voice behind me, I saw that 7 foot tall boy thats been avoiding me. Hands in pocket, a beanie on his head, black clothes.

"Oh- um, no. Im just- um-" I stuttered, looking at him made me so nervous. His cocky smile appeared on his face, its like he did this on purpose.

"Where's Ash?" He asked.

"In there." I said, pointing to my room.

"Why are you out here, then?" He asked stepping closer.

"I just, um, come here." I said, gesturing to follow me a little down the hall. I didn't want the love birds hearing me.

"Jenna and Ashton are in love." I said flat out. Looking at his big, piercing blue eyes.

"I know." Luke smirked, "It's 'bout time they tell each other. Ive been waiting since I broke up with her."

"What do you mean?" I asked,

"I could tell she didn't have feelings for me anymore, and by the way she looked at Ashton, I could tell." He smiled.

"That's crazy. How long ago was that?" I asked,

"About 4 months ago." He shrugged, "Glad they caught up."

Suddenly a bang from my door. I ran and put my ear up to the door, I couldn't stop staring at him. He interested me in ways nobody else had.

"They're definitely making out." I told Luke. He nodded. "Guess we won't be getting in there anytime soon." I shrugged, when he didn't answer I debated what to do next.

"Autumn-" Luke started,


"Nevermind." He said after a long pause.

"Okay, well I dont want to stand outside this door so I think I'm going to go walk around." I said, disappointed.

I began walking, I hoped he was following me but he wasn't. I didn't know what I was expecting when I saw him but I was hoping for more than that. Like a definition for what this is.

I walked outside of the dorms alone. I had no clue of where to go. Suddenly the doors smacked open behind me,

"Autumn!" Luke caught his breath, "Do you.. want me to come with?" He asked. "I mean, there are a lot of creeps out there at.. 5:36.. So um.. Yeah."

"Sure.. I'd like that."

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