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The door flung open. Calum and I still were mid-embrace.

"Autuumn, youuu need to- oh." Luke's slurred voice entered the room. Our arms immediately ripped off of each other for some odd reason. Probably the noise freaked us out.

"What is this?" He asked, closing the door, "Is this why?" His voice is suddenly much stronger, he took a swig of his drink while Calum spoke.

"Not what your probably thinking." Calum said, attempting to calm him down.

"Mhm. This is what you've wanted. You tell me to go for it-"

"That's not what I said."

"You encourage me just to knock me right on my face because of what some type of payback? Why? Because I've never been rejected right? Because I've done whole shit load of bad things to girls and you're just perfect Calum who likes to come save the day!"

"Luke what are you talking about?" Calum kept trying to stop him. I backed into my bed, I felt helpless I didn't know what to say. My heart was beating so fast and my breathing was hard. The yelling hurt it made my body begin to shake.

"I'm talking about how you're so jealous of me! You little fuck. You have to have everything I want, huh? I told you from the beginning how I wanted Autumn! Like not like the others I'm just bad at words and stuff. But noo I don't deserve her. I don't deserve any girl, right?" Luke kept shoving him.

"Just because you want something doesn't mean you should get it every time! She doesn't have to like you, thats not her fucking right!"

"Oh but she likes you? Because you just sit around and WAIT for me to fuck up to save the day." They were nose to nose at each other. The rage in both the boys eyes was crazy, it was like they completely forgot I was here. I did too for a little. "She doesn't have to like me, not everyone does. Is it so bad that I want an actual genuine girl to like me? I told you I wasn't going to do that again after the last time. But of course, as much as I want her to, but you? Really?" He did a quick glance at me, I did a quick intake of breath.

"What do you mean me?" Calum looked so offended, he pushed Luke back this time. "Oh like your the epitome of men, right? When was the last time you truly cared for anything, Lucas? Actually cared for anyone besides yourself? I don't swoop after every girl you've hurt? That'd be a LONG list that I don't wanna open. Girls didn't even like you in high school! It's like you think they owe you something now? You thought you were and are so cool but you're not. We both know too much about each other, Luke, you don't wanna do this." Calum was clenching his fists. I could almost see steam coming from his ears "I don't even like Autumn like that. That's one of the things you and I both know!" Calum tried to talk over Luke. My heart was beating so fast, my hands were shaking. All I could her was a constant ringing. I felt myself back up to the back wall.

"You do this every time Cal!" Luke growled, "Little lonely Calum has to make everyone else feel the same as he does. Just because you hide behind your bass doesn't mean everyone else has to!"

"Like you don't hide behind a facade? You're like the definition of hiding? You're doing it now! All this fucking booze and partying and girls? Why would you even try to break your getting laid record? Hell that seems to be the only thing your good at nowadays. You would be the worst possible guy for anyone, not just Autumn." Calum snarled back.

Suddenly Luke punched Calum in the jaw, sloppily. My ears stopped ringing. Calum saw me in the back.

"C'mon, you're scaring Autumn.." Calum held his jaw. "You're so drunk and probably high too, Luke stop it go the fuck home."

Luke stood in this awkward stance. Not at all listening to him. As if he was ready for a fight but a little off balance. He must've had like 10 full bottles of something.

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