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Its been about a month into school now. Mom came to visit. It was surprising and awkward. She met almost everyone: Jenna, Janin, Amber, Michael, Cal, Ashton, Sabina, and Jordan. She said they were "Fun Characters" Ashton was her favorite. She wants me to marry him.

I'm trying mom I swear.

I tried at all costs to keep Luke away from meeting my mother. But it was rather easy. I've learned that Luke in most situations is very quiet. He's very confusing. Unless he has something to say, or someone is directly speaking to him, he hardly speaks. Probably because he thinks he's better than everyone else.

But tonight I'm going on my first date with Nick. He's really sweet. We've been texting for like 2 weeks now. He's really cool. And also very cute.

If we're completely honest I wouldn't mind kissing him. I've never kissed anybody. Nobody's ever really pursued me before. If you didn't notice I'm not exactly very attractive. When I walk down the street people don't ever do a double take.

I have to work hard for attention, which ultimately back fires because then people think I'm an attention whore, so I don't try.

I'm not a supermodel.

I'm not like the girls in fanfictions where they just put on some mascara and put they're hair up in a messy bun and look perfectly fine.

Or for a date the girl will put on a pretty sundress and she looks perfect because she's also an athlete and perfect or naturally flawless.

I'm not like the girls in magazines. Its what sent me to my therapist, to almost dying, to the hospital.

This is new for me. But I'm ready.

He's so sweet to me. He always calls me a princess; and the other day he sent me flowers. He's a Law major, and really smart.

I looked in the mirror. My outfits disgusted me, my clothes never fit on me like the girls in the magazines. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I finally gave up and wore a black flowered high-waisted skirt, a white cami, and a black knitted sweater over. I clipped half of my curled hair into a black bow, keeping.

Right when I finished changing, Jenna began unlocking the door. I could vaguely hear male voices as I quickly checked myself in the mirror. I figured I should wear something nice for him, he's a Law Major I mean.

I sat down at my mini desk as the door swung open.

"Oh perfect, Autumn, you're here!" Jenna said, happily,

"I am." I turned to see Jenna, Ashton, & Luke, whom I haven't seen in like 2 weeks.

"Hey, Autumn.." Luke mumbled, barely audible. I think I was the only one who heard it.

"Autu- wait why are you all dressed up?" Ashton began, making note of my usual sweatshirt attire missing.

"Oh she's got a date-" Jenna began,

"Jenna!" I interrupted, I wanted to say it.

"And it's with a really cute boy, I'm so proud of her." Jenna fanned her face.

"You've got a date?" Luke asked, a different emotion besides arrogance came out. It was almost sad.

"Yeah. But it's not even a big deal." I shrugged.

"Did he send you those?" Luke pointed to the bouquet of red and pink roses. I couldn't contain my smile,

"Yes, he did! Look how sweet!" Jenna exclaimed,

"Man, this guy has GAME." Ashton laughed, we all joined except Luke.

"When is he supposed to pick you up?" Luke asked, I looked at my watch.

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