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This was always the scariest part. Admitting it. I gathered all my courage at that doorstep.

Then I knocked on the door. He opened it shortly after.

"What do you want Autumn?" he asked me, annoyed. His blue eyes piercing into my heart. I bit my lip, no longer nervous at all.


Then I grabbed his face and my stomach exploded in a million butterflies. We were kissing passionately. His lip ring cold against my lips. Every part of my body felt alive. He ran his hands all over my body as my hands were tangled in his hair.

He picked me up, carried me into his room, and threw me onto his made bed. Our lips never parted. His lips moved down to my neck as I pulled on and scratched at his back, his grunts vibrating the skin he kissed,until I ended up removing his shirt. My breathing got faster the lower he got.

I wanted him everywhere. He soon removed my shirt too. He held both my hands above my head in one hand as he started on my jawline. I whimpered when he stopped and looked at me. His beautiful blue eyes captivating me.

"Luke, please" I bucked my hips upward begging for his body back on me.

"Autumn, are you ok?" His voice wasn't him at all it was girly and giggly. "Autumn wake up!"


"WAKE UP!" Jenna's face suddenly stood above me. I screamed, rolled off my bed, bringing my blankets with me.

"Fuck" I muttered, rubbing my nose as I fell flat on my face.

"What were you dreaming of?" She asked, I could hear her smirk. She knew of my reoccurring dreams lately. In that sentence I heard laughter, but not just from Jenna. I opened my eyes and looked up.

Great. Excellent. Just fantastic. Here I am, just woke up from a fucking wet dream or something, my hair a mess, no makeup, wearing sweatpants and wrapped in flower sheets in front of Jenna, Calum, Ashton, Janin, Amber and Michael.

"Shut the hell up, I know I talk in my sleep." I laid down on the floor in embarrassment. "You know."

"Wow, Autumn, you gettin freaky in the sheet-ys, huh?" Michael laughed, winking and rocking his hips.

"With my boy, LUKE!" Ashton said, hooting. Stop it this is the most embarrassing moment I've ever experienced. Jenna hit him, and then he shut up. Everyone knew the situation between Luke and I. We haven't spoken or really seen each other in almost a month.

"Autumn it's okay. It happens to all of us." Janin shrugged. But I saw Calums eyes, he was so disappointed.

"What are you doing sleeping right now anyway? Its like 4 in the afternoon on a Thursday? Don't you have class?" Jenna asked,

"No I don't. Thats on Tuesday. I have class at 6. But I was sleeping cuz some people kept me up last night 5:30 in the morning." I rolled my eyes. Last night Janin and Jenna took me to some bar in the town over. I'm really getting better at letting go the last month or so. Janin needed a single lady now especially now that Jenna and Ashton are official.

"Woops." Janin giggled.

"Why are you all here anyway?" I asked, "This is like the smallest place possible you could find." They all started coming in and getting comfortable in sitting positions.

"Well, Halloween is in 2 days." Michael started from our back window, "And we have nothing planned. But Chris told me of some party going on at the frat house, we could go to that-"

"And have every bunny or mouse slut there all over you boys, yeah, you'd love that." Amber intervened.

"Yes, actually. I would love that." Michael continued, "There's that, we can hit that up a few hours, then go over to the cliff like last year."

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