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Hi, this story is co-written by RedCorvette084 and Lulusurfista we hope you enjoy the story xx

Also, side note, this story is set just before Age of Ultron, so anything from AoU onwards, hasn't happened yet, just so you know :)


It was about twelve 0'clock, mid day, and Tony Stark was busy reprogramming Dum-E, blasting AC/DC through JARVIS's speakers, when a bright white light started to fill the room. He looked around but was soon enveloped in it. His vision dimmed and he suddenly woke up in a dark room, chairs everywhere. As he stood up, Tony saw that the room looked like a cinema, with an enormous projector screen at the front.

He heard a sound from beside him and went to attack, but saw it was Steve Rogers, sitting there looking just as confused as Tony was.

"Cap?" Tony said, rubbing a hand over his face. "What happened?"

"Tony?" Steve said, "What's going on?"

"I literally just asked you that," Tony sighed and looked around. There was no one else there, just them. "How did you get here?"

"I was just sitting in a diner having lunch, when the whole room just got lighter and... then I was here." Steve said, frowning, "I don't know what happened, but we need to find a way out."

Both men started searching around for an exit, or entrance, but they could only see one door that was locked and even Steve couldn't break through. A patch of the ceiling suddenly turned white and glowing, making both of them stop what they were doing. A moment later, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton fell through. Both assassins immediately jumped up, ready to fight, but were surprised when they were met with only their teammates.

"Guys?" Clint said, already scanning the room for escape plans. "Where are we?"

"We have absolutely no idea, do we Cap?" Tony said, looking at Steve, who sighed and agreed with him.

"Have you already looked for all possible exits?" Nat said, doing the same as her teammate, scanning the room.

"There's one door, with no visible lock, that I can't get through." Steve said.

"So, unless you two can find a way, we're stuck in here." Tony said, sitting down in one of the chairs nearest the screen. There were only three rows of chairs, but a large gap between them and the screen. The chairs were like typical movie chairs, but they didn't have armrests, so they were just like one big, long seat. The screen was fairly big, but no one could see an actual projector yet, so there was nothing electrical for any of them to use to open the door, not that it would have been much use.

"Uh, guys?" Clint called from the chair he was perched on, on the highest row. "The ceiling's kinda glowing."

Just then Bruce Banner and Thor fell through the ceiling, landing in a heap on the floor. Thor got up first, holding Mjölnir up, ready to strike.

"Who's there?" Thor cried, "What did you do?"

"Easy, Thor, it's just us," Steve said in an effort to calm the god.

"Hey, Tony?" Bruce said slowly standing up. "Something feels different."

"What is it, buddy?" Tony said, frowning.

"I- I can't turn into the hulk," Bruce said.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Tony asked, "I mean, why would you want to?"

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