Thirty-Three ~ Steve and Bucky

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“So,” Hayden said, “This memory is not long after the last one.”

They all nodded and the screen lit up to show Steve in a movie theater with a war video playing. There was a guy shouting for the screen to skip the video and play the movie, and people were frowning at him.

“Hey, you wanna show some respect?” Steve whispered back, trying to get the guy to shut up. The guy just brushed it off and then started shouting again.

“Let's go! Get on with it!” He shouted, “Just start the cartoon!”

“Hey, you wanna shut up?” Steve shouted back. The guy stood up from his seat and turned to look at Steve.

The scene then skipped to an alley way, where the guy was hitting Steve, knocking him over whenever he came back.

“Shit, that looks like it hurt,” Clint frowned.

“Yeah,” Steve muttered, rubbing his jaw at the memory.

On screen, Steve grabbed a trash can lid and held it up as a shield, not unlike the shield he fought with now. The shield was knocked out of Steve's hand and he was hit again, this time coming back up with his fists raised.

“You just don't know when to give up, do you?” The guy taunted, a grin on his face.

“I can do this all day,” Steve replied, and proceeded to throw a punch that backfired and sent him flying to the ground again.

The guy went in to hit Steve again, but a hand grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

“Hey,” the soldier that grabbed him said, “Pick on someone your own size.” The camera panned round to show that it was Bucky.

“Hey, it's Barnes!” Thor said, “Coming to protect young Steve.”

“He was protecting me,” Steve protested, “He was…”

“He was protecting you, admit it,” Tony grinned and Steve scowled at him.

On screen, Bucky punched the guy and kicked him as he ran off. Bucky then turned round and walked back towards Steve, who was slowly getting up.

“Sometimes I think you like getting punched,” Bucky said, an annoyed look on his face.

“I had him on the ropes,” Steve said, sounding slightly in pain.

“Yeah, sure you did,” Natasha said sarcastically and Steve shot her a look.

On screen, Bucky picked up a piece of paper from the ground. It was Steve's enlistment form, which told him that he couldn't join the army.

“Oh, you're from Paramus now,” Bucky said mockingly, “You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey.”

“Captain America lying to the government?” Tony said in fake surprise "I never thought it would be possible.”

“Shut up, Stark,” Steve groaned.

“Why did you want to join the army anyway,” Bruce asked.

“I don't know,” Steve answered, “I thought it was all cool and patriotic and stuff. Now I know it was a total disaster.”

On screen, Steve didn't answer Bucky. Instead he asked, “Did you get your orders?”

“The 107th,” Bucky said after a moment. “Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.”

“I should be going,” Steve mumbled.

“Well, clearly you shouldn't,” Tony remarked.

On screen, Bucky looked sad for a moment, then broke out into a smile and threw his arm over Steve's shoulders.

“Come on, man,” He said happily, “My last night! I got to get you cleaned up.”

“Why? Where are we going?” Steve asked.

“The future,” Bucky grinned and the scene changed to Bucky and Steve walking past a giant globe. There were people all around them and there were fireworks and flags and it looked magical.

“Wait, is this…” Tony trailed off.

“Yep, the one and only,” Bucky smiled in memory. This was the Howard Stark he remembered. Not the horrible person he now knew he was.

“I don't see what the problem is,” On screen Bucky was saying to Steve. “You're about to be the last eligible man in New York. You know there's three and a half million women here?”

“Well, I'd settle for just one,” Steve replied.

“Good thing I took care of that,” Bucky said, waving to two girls in front of them.

“Hey, Bucky,” One of them called.

"What'd you tell her about me?” Steve asked.

“Only the good stuff,” Bucky joked back and they walked into the Expo.



Hiii, RedCorvette084 hereee

Sorry the memory is cut off, I'm really busy so I've had enough time to write this and then we will carry on with this memory next time

See you then !!

Hey guys, Lulusurfista here

Sorry for taking a bit long for this chapter to come out, we've been kinda busy… also, this chapter is a bit short but its better than nothing!!

We've started doing scenes from the movies so if you have any requests please let us know!!

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