Eighteen ~ Tony

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As the next memory started, Hayden began to explain what it was going to be.

"So, I'm not really sure how to explain the whole context on this one," Hayden started, "But do you guys remember when Tony's house blew up in like 2013?" Some people nodded. "Yeah, it's right after that. Just watch."

The screen lit up and Tony was shown dragging a broken Iron Man suit through the snow, looking exhausted.

"Jesus, what happened to you?" Clint said.

"Long story," Tony told him, "Crashed."

On screen, Tony then kicked a door to a shed down and let the suit fall in, crashing onto the floor. He sighed and looked around, realizing it was more of a garage than a shed. He moved the suit onto a couch and sat down next to it.

"Let's get you comfy," He joked and repositioned the arm of the suit. "You happy now?" He turned the face away from him.

The screen changed to Tony sitting at a desk with a pair of pliers, raising them to his arm, which was blood soaked with small shards of metal stuck in it.

"You are not going to do that," Steve said, "How can you just pull bits of metal out of your arm?"

"Well, I couldn't leave it in there!" Tony protested.

"Did you even sterilize the pliers?" Bruce asked.

"Well, I don't really remember," Tony confessed.

"Come on, Stark," Natasha said, "You didn't even have a good light source."

"Alright, if you guys were in my position, what would you do?" Tony snapped and that stopped people from talking.

Back on screen, they all watched Tony get one piece of metal out before he heard a voice by the door in front of him.

"Freeze!" Tony looked up. It was a kid holding up a toy gun. "Don't move!"

"You got me," Tony said, holding his hands up. "Nice potato gun. Barrel's a little long. Between that and your wide gauge it's gonna diminish your FPS."

The kid then aimed the gun at a jar on a top shelf and fired, smashing the jar into pieces. The kid smiled and Tony put his hands down.

"And now you're out of ammo," He said.

"What's that thing on your chest?" The kid asked.

"It's an electromagnet," Tony said, "You should know, you've got a box of them right here."

"What does it power?" The kid asked.

Tony didn't reply. He just stepped sideways and shined the light from the desk onto the suit behind him. The kid dropped the potato gun and gasped in awe.

"Oh my god!" The kid stepped forward, a huge grin on his face. "That's… that's… is that Iron Man?"

"Technically, I am," Tony said.

"Technically, you're dead," Harley said, and showed him a new paper that said 'STARK PRESUMED DEAD'.

"Oh yeah," Bruce said, "I freaked out when I saw that."

"Me too," Steve agreed.

"Valid point," Tony nodded.

"What happened to him?" The kid asked, walking over to the suit.

"Life," Tony sighed, "I built him, I take care of him. I'll fix him." He tossed the new paper away.

"Like a mechanic?" The kid said.

"Yeah," Tony agreed.

"If I was building Iron Man and War Machine-"

"It's 'Iron Patriot' now."

A Flash From The Past ~ An Avengers Reacts StoryWhere stories live. Discover now