Six ~ Tony

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"If it's OK, I'm going to play the next memory now," Kylie said.

"But we really don't care if you don't want to, we will put it on anyway," said Hayden, interrupting Kylie.

"Hayden! Don't be rude," Kylie said.

"But it's true!" Hayden whispered before replying. "Sorry, let's play the next memory."

The screen lit up, revealing a thirteen year old Tony sitting at a desk in his bedroom, working on a design. He was connecting a wire to a circuit board, which looked quite fiddly and difficult. By the darkness spilling in from the open window, it looked to be very late at night, or early in the morning.

There was a knock at the door and Jarvis spoke from the other side.

"Sir, may I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah, Jarvis," Young Tony replied, sounding quite tired.

"Sir," Jarvis said as he came in and shut the door behind him. "You have been awake now for approximately seventy-seven hours. I suggest you get some sleep."

"Seventy-seven hours!" Steve said in disbelief, "What on earth were you doing awake for that long?"

"I was trying to finish something," Off screen Tony said.

"Actually," Young Tony looked up from what he was doing. "It's seventy-eight."

"That's no better," Clint said.

"Of course it's no better," Natasha replied, "It's longer!"

"And I can't sleep," On screen Tony continued, "I have to finish this."

"If you don't mind me asking," Jarvis said, "Why do you have to finish this?"

"Because, if I get this finished, then maybe my dad will notice me. And then maybe he'll think I'm good enough," Tony looked sad for a moment before looking back at the wires. "And I do mind you asking, actually. Please go away, Jarvis."

"You stayed up, for seventy-eight hours, just to try to get your father to notice you?" Thor exclaimed in disbelief.

Loki mumbled something in the back of the room, before continuing reading a book that had appeared out of thin air. Nobody knew where it had come from.

"I agree with Thor, no child should have to do that," Bucky said, his hatred towards Howard growing every second.

"Alright," Jarvis looked like he wanted to stay, but he didn't want to annoy Tony. "But please get some sleep. Goodnight, sir." 

"Tony, why did you tell him to go away?" Bruce asked, "He was trying to help you."

"Well, I can't remember, can I?" Off screen Tony snapped, "It was years ago. It doesn't matter."

"How old was Tony in this memory?" Steve asked.

"Thirteen," Hayden said.

"Thirteen!?" Clint cried, "No thirteen year old should be able to stay awake that long. How did he do it?"

"I'm right here, Barton," Tony said, "And I guess I got used to it."

"You still stay up that late?" Natasha asked.

"Sometimes," Tony replied.

"Tony, that's not healthy," Steve said, frowning.

"Yeah, I know," Tony sighed, "But I'm sure you've all done it at some point, huh?"

The room went silent, as nearly all of them knew what it was like to not be able to get to sleep, to be stuck awake, watching the seconds go by.

"Okay," Kylie said, "I'm sorry this is so stressful for you-"

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