Twenty-Four ~ Steve and Bucky

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"Okay," Hayden said, "The next memory will be on how they became friends."

"Ooh, I've always wondered how they met," Clint exclaimed, looking excited.

The screen lit up to show a mass of kids running out of a school building, all shoving each other out of the way. After the crowd had died down slightly, seven year old Steve worriedly walked out, clutching the straps of his bag. He was the last one out of the classroom, and only an inch or two taller than he was in the last memory.

Steve began his walk home on his own, his head down, eyes trained on the ground. He was nearing a corner of a building when three boys jumped out at him, causing Steve to cry out and fall backwards. The boys laughed, and walked towards Steve, who was scrambling to get up.

"Haha! We got you!" One of the boys shouted at him. "You scream like a girl!"

Steve looked down, tears in his eyes, but quickly wiped them away as he stood to face the boys.

"Come on then!" Steve said, "If you want to fight, then fight!"

"Really, Rogers?" Tony laughed, "You're so small!"

"You could get yourself seriously hurt," Natasha said.

"Most of the time, he did," Bucky told her.

"Are you serious?" On screen, another boy laughed. Steve nodded. "Alright then." The boy drew back his fist, and punched Steve in the jaw.

Steve stumbled and fell back again and the boys laughed, but Steve just stood back up.

"Come on!" He shouted, and the boys frowned in confusion. "I can do this all day."

"Oh my god, Steve, your catchphrase!" Clint shouted.

"You've been saying that since you were a kid?" Bruce laughed.

"Yeah," Steve said, "Always felt right."

"Are you sure about that?" On screen, the first boy asked menacingly and grabbed Steve's collar, pushing him back a few steps. He pulled his fist up and Steve braced himself, ready to get hit, but the boy stopped as a rock hit him in the head.

"Hey!" The boy dropped his fist, but still held Steve's shirt. "Who was tha- ow!" Another rock hit him and he let go of Steve.

"Ow!" One of the other boys yelled as he was hit too.

Suddenly all three of them were being pelted by rocks of varying sizes, all with perfect aim. The first boy got hit on the bridge of his nose and it started bleeding, causing him to jump back in shock.

Steve just stood there, eyes wide, wondering what was going on. One of the boys started walking towards him, a scowl on his face.

"This is you, isn't it?" Steve shook his head quickly. "It has to be!" The boy was about to grab Steve when a particularly large rock hit his forehead. The boy shouted then ran to his friends. "Come on, let's get out of here." They ran.

Steve just stood there confused. What the hell had just happened? He then heard laughing coming from behind him and turned round to see the brown haired boy from before walking towards him.

"Barnes, that was you?" Tony asked.

"Yep," Bucky smiled, "I remember this."

Steve smiled too, happy his friend had all their memories together.

"Did you see how fast they ran away?" On screen, the brown haired boy laughed, "You alright?" He asked after Steve didn't say anything.

"I, uh, thanks," Steve smiled, shocked.

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