Thirty-One ~ Steve and Bucky

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“Ok,” Kylie said to them all, “The next memory is a sad one, so I'm sorry. Steve is eighteen and Bucky is nineteen.”

Steve's breath caught in his throat. Only one significant thing happened when he was eighteen. Well, only one that Kylie and Hayden would show.

The memory started off with Steve and Bucky walking down a path and talking about stuff. Some of them recognised it as near Sarah's house.

“I was thinking about moving out, you know,” Steve said to Bucky, “And I was thinking we could share a place. It would help with cost, and practicality, and it will be fun. We can't just stay with my mom forever.”

“Yeah, ok,” Bucky said, “That would be cool.”

They carried on walking until they got to their house and when they opened the door they heard a loud cough coming from another room.

“Mom?” Steve shouted, “Are you ok?”

“Yes, I'll be-” Sarah tried to say she'd be fine but was interrupted by another coughing fit. Steve rushed into the kitchen and helped her sit down, Bucky close behind him. Bucky grabbed a tissue and gave it to Sarah, who nodded her thanks to him in between coughs.

“God,” Steve frowned, “You've had this cough for weeks.”

“I probably just caught something from work,” Sarah said. She worked as a nurse on a tuberculosis ward.

“This could be serious, mom,” Steve felt her forehead. “And you've got a fever.”

“I'm fine,” Sarah told him firmly, as she passed the tissue to Bucky, who had held out his hand to offer to throw it away. Bucky walked off, but stopped as he saw something on the tissue.

“Sarah?” Bucky asked, “Is this blood?”

“Oh,” Bruce said, “That's not good.”

On screen, Steve stared at his mom. “Did you cough up blood?”

“It's not much,” Sarah told him firmly, “I'm fine, Steve.”

“No, you're not,” Bucky said, “This isn't normal. And for where you work, you should be extra careful.”

“Where did she work?” Thor asked.

“A tuberculosis ward,” Bucky told them, and there were a few gasps around the room.

“I know that,” Sarah said, and opened her mouth to reply but was met with another coughing fit.

“We should get you to a doctor,” Bucky said.

“No, I'm fine-” Sarah insisted.

“No, you're not,” Steve said, “I'll get someone.” He then grabbed his coat and left the house.

“Do you want to lie down?” Bucky asked.

“Just sitting down will be OK for me,” Sarah said and Bucky helped her to a chair. “Could you make me a coffee?”

“Yeah, of course,” Bucky said and left to make it. When he came back, Sarah seemed paler and more tired. “There you go.”

“Ah, thank you,” Sarah smiled weakly, “Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, anything,” Bucky told her.

“If anything happens to me, promise me you'll take care of Steve,” Sarah said, while locking eyes with Bucky.

“What's gonna happen to you?” Bucky said quietly, fear flickering across his face.

“Just promise me,” Sarah said again. Bucky didn't answer. “Please, James.”

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