Twenty-Three ~ Steve

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They all turned to the screen as it lit up to show a school classroom, looking like how you would expect a 1920s school classroom to look like. Each student had their own desk with a chair and a book and a pencil. Most kids were sitting comfortably, looking bored with whatever the teacher was talking about. Then there was Steve, so small that he could only just see above the head of the person sitting in front of him.

"For context," Hayden told them all, "Steve is six in this memory."

"Six? He looks about three or four," Bruce called out.

"I was pretty small," Steve said, "I have told you guys before."

"Yeah, but I never thought you were that small," Clint exclaimed and Steve just rolled his eyes.

Back on screen, the teachers talking came into focus and they all turned to look.

"I'll just be one moment, I need to get something from the office," the teacher said and walked out.

Steve looked down and seemed anxious, as if he was expecting something to happen. Just then, a ball of paper hit him on the shoulder. Steve didn't turn around. Another then hit his head, then another on his back. He finally turned to see who had thrown the paper and got hit in the face.

"Oh, nice shot!" A boy said to his friend, who looked like he had thrown it. A group of about six children laughed and Steve turned away, tears pooling in his eyes. Someone sitting near him noticed and pointed.

"Look! He's going to cry!" The girl said and more laughed followed.

"G- go away!" Steve said, his six year old self trying desperately to appear bigger than he was, even though he so clearly wasn't.

The laughter continued, and Steve attempted to slide further down in his chair. He covered his ears to pretend he didn't hear it.

"Wow, who knew six year olds could be so mean?" Clint muttered.

"This makes me mad to see these Midgardian children acting like this to their fellow peers," Thor frowned.

"I find it funny," Loki said, even though deep down he didn't. He knew what it was like to be different.

On screen, the scene then showed a brown haired boy sitting in the background, his uniform raggedy and his hair messy. He was glaring daggers through the boy who threw the paper's head with icy blue eyes, looking ready to murder him.

Natasha frowned. She recognised those eyes. That was Bucky. She then smiled, knowing he was still looking out for Steve, even then.

Bucky found himself glaring at the mean boy the whole way through the memory, just as he had done all those years ago

The screen then cut to an empty classroom, with just the teacher at the front. Text at the bottom of the screen read 'the next day'. The teacher opened the doors and suddenly the classroom was flooded with students. Steve was one of the first in and began getting his stuff out of his bag.

Last in the classroom was the boy who threw the paper. He had a bruise on his head, his arm was in a cast and he was limping slightly. A ripple of laughter went round the room and the sight of the boy, and while Steve was occupied staring like the rest of the class, the brown haired, blue eyed boy slipped a note onto his desk.

A moment later, when Steve turned back round, he saw the note. Curiously, he unfolded it and carefully read the messy, childish scrawl written on it. It read: 'I pushed him down the hill. You're welcome'. Steve gasped. Someone had done that for him? He looked around to see if he could figure out who it was, but no one gave any indication.

Meanwhile, off screen Steve was staring at the scene in front of him.

"Aww, that was sweet of him," Bruce smiled.

"Yes, it was," Thor agreed.

"Oh my god!" Steve suddenly shouted, "That was you!?" He turned to Bucky dramatically.

"Wait, that kid is him?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, that's me," Bucky shrugged.

"You could have got in so much trouble!" Steve cried.

"I was six, I didn't care," Bucky laughed, "Besides, he wasn't gonna tell anyone. I scared him so bad with what I did to his friend. I didn't see him for a week after that."

"Oh my god, you were six," Steve sighed, "You know, that bothered me for weeks. Not knowing who it was."

"Exactly," Bucky smirked.


Hey, RedCorvette084 here !!

Hope you enjoyed the memory

Bucky appeared sooner than expected but it felt right lol

See you in the next chapter!!

Hi, Lulusurfista here

I know you guys didn't expect to see Bucky this early but I hope it was a pleasant surprise…

If you want to, you can try requesting a memory

Who knows, we might choose you!!!

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