Seventeen ~ Tony

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"How about a break?" Kylie suggested, "I know the memory of that day wasn't amazing for a lot of you, so we will let you have half an hour to yourselves."

The avengers plus Loki and Bucky mumbled their responses and moved quickly into the apartment area.


"Alright," Hayden said to everyone once they were all back in their seats. Let's get on with our next memory. It's set not long after New York."

Everyone looked to the screen to see Tony and Rhodey sitting in a café in the middle of a conversation. They first hear Rhodey talking.

"It tested well with focus groups, alright?" Rhodey seemed annoyed.

"I am Iron Patriot," Tony said in a deep voice, "It sucks."

"Listen," Rhodey said, "'War Machine' was a little too aggressive, alright? This sends a better message."

Tony sighed, seeming to drop that conversation topic. He then settled on a new one.

"So what's really going on?" He asked, "With the Mandarin. Seriously. Can we talk about this guy?"

"I remember him," Said Thor.

"Fuck, that was ages ago!" Off-screen Tony exclaimed

"It's classified information, Tony," Rhodey said, but decided to tell him anyway. "Ok, there have been nine bombings."

"Nine," Tony confirmed.

"The public only knows about three," Rhodey continued, "But here's the thing, nobody can ID a device. There's no bomb casings."

"You know I could help," Tony told him, "Just ask. I got a ton of new tech. I got a prehensile suit. I got a bomb disposal. Catches explosions mid air."

"Woah, can you really catch explosions mid air?" Clint asked, amazed by what he never knew his friend could do.

"Well, duh, obviously." Confirmed Tony.

Clint gaped at him, still stunned.

"When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?" Rhodey asked, everyone's attention back on screen.

"Einstein slept three hours a year," Tony argued back, "Look what he did."

"People are concerned about you, Tony," Rhodey said, "I'm concerned about you."

"You gonna come at me like that?" Tony said.

"No, look, I'm not trying to be a dick-" Rhodey was interrupted when he saw some children standing around their table.

"Awkward," Loki muttered to himself.

"Do you mind signing my drawing?" A girl said, handing over a picture.

"If Richard doesn't mind," Tony joked and Rhodey laughed. "You alright with this, Dick?"

"Yeah," Rhodey said, "Fine with me."

"What's your name?" Tony asked, getting ready to sign the paper.

"Erin," the girl said.

Tony then turned to a small boy with glasses standing next to the girl.

"I loved you in 'A Christmas Story' by the way," Tony said to him.

Rhodey leaned over, trying to continue their conversation from a moment ago.

"Listen," He said, "The Pentagon is scared. After New York. Aliens. Come on. They need to look strong."

Tony didn't seem to be paying attention to him, just carried on signing the drawing.

"Is he OK?" Thor asked, frowning. "Why isn't he listening to his friend?"

"Guys, I'm fine, don't worry," Tony sighed.

"Stopping the Mandarin is a priority," Rhodey carried on, "But it's not…"

"It's not superhero business," Tony interrupted.

"No, it's not, quite frankly," Rhodey said.

"I get it."

"It's American business."

"That's why I said I got it," Tony's voice seemed stressed. The crayon he was drawing with snapped and Tony sighed and brought a hand up to his face.

"You ok?" Rhodey asked.

"I broke the crayon," Tony replied.

"I don't really think that's the most important thing going on right then," Steve said worriedly.

"Are you ok, Mr Stark?" The girl who wanted Tony to sign her drawing said.

Tony didn't say anything, but the sounds on the memory became distorted and muffled.

"Take it easy, Tony," Rhodey said, a hand on Tony's shoulder.

Then the boy with glasses whispered, "How did you get out of the wormhole?"

Tony pushed away from the table and out of the café.

"Wait a minute, Tony," Rhodey said.

"What did you say?" Tony stammered.

"Tony," Rhodey called after him.

Tony apologized as he pushed past people to get to his suit.

"I'm just checking on the suit," He said as it opened for him to step inside. "Okay." Tony said and as soon as he got into the suit he fell to one knee, everyone around watching. "Check the heart. Check the… check the… is it the brain?"

"No sign of cardiac anomaly or unusual brain activity," JARVIS's automated voice came from the suit.

"Ok," Tony said quickly, "So I was poisoned?"

"It's kinda sad that's something you had to think about, Tony," Clint said, "Don't you think?"

"I guess," Tony shrugged, "But at least I think about it."

They all focused back to the screen.

"My diagnosis is that you've experienced a severe anxiety attack," JARVIS told him.

Tony didn't say anything for a moment, breathing raggedly. Then he said, "Me!?"

"You have anxiety?" Natasha asked, "Why didn't we know?"

"Not important," Tony said.

"I think we're going to find a lot of things we all thought were unimportant very important," Bruce said sadly.

"Well, yeah," Tony sighed again, "Anxiety and ADHD, never a good combination."


Hi, RedCorvette084 here

So sorry for how long it took for the next chapter, we were planning a week break but stuff caught up with us, sorry again!!

Anyway, hope you like the chapter, thanks for reading xx

Hey guys, Lulusurfista here!

Sorry for the long wait… I hope you like the chapter. Try to guess who is next!

A Flash From The Past ~ An Avengers Reacts StoryWhere stories live. Discover now