Thirteen ~ Tony

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"So," Kylie said as the memory previously displayed on the screen faded to black. "We are going to let you go back to your rooms, have half an hour to take some time for yourselves, and then come back and watch some more. OK?"

"Ugh, is it still about me?" Tony asked, for once not wanting all the attention.

"I'm sorry, Tony, but for now, yes it is still about you," Hayden said apologetically, "But don't worry, everyone else will get their turn." They paused for a moment before saying sarcastically, "I'm sure you're all looking forward to it."

Although not everyone actually made a sound, there was a collective groan among the avengers as they walked out of the theater, headed to their rooms. None of them were looking forward to having their darkest memories shown, and judging by the way Tony was reacting, it wasn't fun. The memories weren't holding back anything, all they all knew there were things they have done in their lives that they didn't want the rest of the team, plus Loki and Bucky, to know. Even if it was for 'team bonding', there were some things that just needed to stay a secret.

While they were all walking to their rooms, Steve stopped Tony for a moment to talk to him.

"You ok?" Steve asked him.

"Yeah, of course," Tony said, looking down. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You can talk to me, alright?" Steve said, trying to be sincere. "If there's anything you wanna tell me-"

"I'm pretty sure anything serious I would have wanted to share with you guys has already been displayed on a fucking screen," Tony snapped, "So, no, I'm fine."

"Ok, just asking," Steve said coldly and walked quickly past him.

Tony turned to scowl at him behind his back, but saw Natasha standing in the doorway.

"That was mean," She said jokingly. "Why were you mean?"

"I'm pissed off," Tony half heartedly explained.

"At what?" Natasha smirked.

"What do you think?" Tony said, sighing heavily. "The most annoying part is that I can see how it's a good idea. It's showing us that when anything bad we think about ourselves, any devastating mistakes that could cause an argument in the future, any secrets we are hiding, even from ourselves, are all exposed, no one judges you because they've seen the whole story from your perspective. They understand. Obviously they don't fully understand, no one ever can, but they have a better chance at it than a normal person because they know. The fact that this has a good chance of being a good thing pisses me off. Not sure why."

Natasha didn't answer Tony. Instead she turned away and walked to her room, leaving him on his own in the kitchen.

Half an hour later, everyone was called back to the cinema room for another memory.

"Ok," Hayden said, "Instead of just being one memory, this is going to be a collection of memories based on one theme. Is that OK?"

"Does it matter?" Tony answered bluntly.

"I guess not," Kylie said, "Alright, let's start the memory."

The screen lit up and it showed Tony in his lab, rogue paperwork and machinery all around him. Suddenly the door burst open and the rest of the avengers burst in, looking like they had just got back from a mission.

"Stark," Steve said, leading the group, "Just who we were looking for. I'm glad we caught you."

"It's not like I was going anywhere else, Rogers," Came Tony's reply, but when Steve frowned at him, the bored look on his face turned slightly more serious. "What can I do?"

"One of the weapons on my suit was lost in battle and I need you to make me a new one," Steve told him.

"I'm gonna need a little more information, Cap," Tony sighed, "I can't just make something with nothing to go on."

"Isn't that what you're here for?" Steve said and Tony's eyes hardened before nodding slightly.

"Yeah, ok," Tony said, "Give me your suit in a bit and I'll check what's missing and go from there."

"Finally," Steve groaned, already turning to walk away. "I'm going for a run, my suit will be in my room."

"Wow, Steve," Natasha said, "You sound like a douche."

"Yeah, I don't remember me being as-" Steve started to speak, but he was cut off.

"Condescending?" Tony said dryly, "Narcissistic? Yeah, maybe you don't remember but I do."

They all then turned back to the screen as the next part of the memory played.



Hi, this is RedCorvette084

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, worry its a little shorter than usual, still getting back into the swing of writing 😅

Anyway, these next few memories will be our creations again, not from the films, just to let you know

Ok, see you in the next chapter!!


Hey guys, Lulusurfista here!

I hope you guys like the chapter!

If you're a Steve stan then don't worry, he won't be an asshole for the whole fic!

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