Fourteen ~ Tony

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The screen lit up as everyone turned to look at it, waiting for the rest of the memory.

On screen Tony rolled his eyes as Steve walked away, going to turn back to his work. He stopped, though, when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Tony said.

"Are you not gonna ask how the mission went?" Natasha asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Tony sighed, "How did it go?"

"It doesn't look like you care," Natasha answered, "So I'm not going to tell you. And you didn't have to act like that to Steve. What did he do?"

"Nothing," Tony said, "He did nothing. And neither did I."

"Yes, you did," Natasha said and Tony was about to reply, but she cut him off. "I don't want to argue. I've just got back and I'm tired."

"Yeah, me too," Tony said.

"You're tired?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. "All you've done all day is sit on your ass and drink coffee."

"I drink coffee to stop myself from being tired," Tony explained.

"Well, go to sleep, then you won't be tired," Natasha snapped.

"It's not that easy-"

"Shut up!" Natasha shouted, "Clint needs you to look at one of his arrows. Clint?"

Natasha looked to Clint, who had taken his hearing aids out and was standing there completely ignoring the both of them. When Natasha nudged his arm, Clint handed over a handful of arrows then left.

"Fix them," Natasha said and stormed out, leaving Bruce, Thor and Tony there.

"I'm going to get some pop tarts," Thor muttered and left.

"Jesus," Off screen Natasha said, "We really took you for granted. I hope you know that if you weren't around, I don't know what we'd do."

"Thanks," Off screen Tony smiled and turned back to the memory.

On screen, Bruce walked a couple benches over and sat down, looking for somewhere to work.

"Hey, Bruce, can you-" Tony started to speak, but Burce cut him off.

"Tony, just don't start anything," Bruce sighed and Tony stopped.

"For the record, I-"

"For god sakes, be quiet," Bruce said, and Tony scowled at his work.

"For the record," Off screen Tony said, "I was going to ask for a pencil or something.

"Shit, I'm sorry Tony," Bruce said, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, me too," Natasha said, knowing how much of a bitch she could be without realizing it.

"It's fine," Tony said coldly, but the look on his face said otherwise.

The screen faded to black as the memory finished.

"Ok," Kylie said, "The next memory will have a similar theme, and I really want you guys to think about your actions for this one."

They all nodded as the screen lit up again. This time it was Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce and Thor sitting on the sofa watching a movie playing on the TV. They were all seemingly happy, even though Tony wasn't there.

"Aww," Clint frowned, "We're out of popcorn."

"I'll get some in a minute," Natasha told him.

"Where is Stark?" Thor asked suddenly, his mouth half full of a pop tart.

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