Four ~ Tony

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"In this memory, Tony is eight years old," Kylie said.

The screen lit up, showing young Tony, who indeed, seemed a bit older, even though he was small and scrawny for his age. He was seated at a round table, with Howard, a woman who seemed to be his mother and Peggy.

The woman and Peggy were chatting when Jarvis entered, bringing a big container with pasta inside it. It seemed quite good, and it was obvious that Tony liked it.

"That looks good," Clint said, and the others agreed. The sight of food reminded them all how hungry they were. How long had they been there? Kylie and Hayden did say they were going to get a break at some point

The memory played on to see young Tony serve himself a large portion, clearly excited. Howard, however, frowned and sighed.

"Why would he eat all that anyways? He will get fat," Howard muttered, though Tony didn't seem to hear it.

"How dare he say that," Steve retorted, "That's a disgusting thing to say."

"I can't believe it," Bruce scowled.

"Я хочу убить этого парня," Natasha muttered under her breath. Only a couple of people knew what she said, but it was worth it. (I want to kill that guy).

After about five minutes of silent eating, Howard seemingly couldn't take it anymore.

"Why on earth are you eating all that? Do you want to get fat? Or a least fatter," He sneered at Tony, and the whole table, plus Jarvis who was standing at the side, stared at him.

"Oh my god!" Steve shouted, "This is ridiculous! How could you have let him speak to you like this?"

"Well, what was I supposed to do?" Tony shouted from his seat, silencing the whole room.

Back on screen, Peggy's eyes widened. She seemed shocked, with an absolute loss of words. Young Tony looked at his stomach. He put his fork down, looking ashamed.

'Am I really that fat?' a voice called on the screen. It was what seemed to be Tony's thoughts.

"Uh, what was that?" Clint asked, a bit wary of the voice.

"That was Tony's thoughts," Hayden explained, "If someone doesn't say something that needs to be said, it will be projected into a thought, so you can all understand what is going on."

Everyone nodded and the memory played on.

"You fat pig!" Howard yelled at Tony.

Everyone stood up and yelled curses at Howard. They shouted, while Tony just sat there remembering every little detail of how he had felt that day. It was horrible and he was being made to relive it in front of all these guys. Tony wasn't ready for that, was he?

On screen Tony didn't cry, but he looked ready to. He suddenly pushed his plate aside and stood up.

"I- I" Young Tony said "I'm not hungry anymore!"

He ran upstairs, leaving an angry Peggy and a mad Howard.

"You dare you!" Peggy said before slapping Howard. "That poor thing."

"He definitely deserved that," Nat said, glaring at Howard.

"I wish I could slap him," Clint said, "But I think she did a good enough job of it. Look at his face!"

"Peggy really is the best," Steve smiled as he looked at the screen for the rest of the memory.

Peggy had gone upstairs, following Tony to his bedroom. When Peggy arrived, she opened his door to reveal a small Tony, curled up on his mattress. 

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