Nineteen ~ Tony

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"Ok," Kylie said to the group. "The next memory is set not long after this one, and it also has Harley in it."

"You say it's 'set' at a time as if it's a movie or something," Clint joked.

"Haha," Hayden said, their voice sounding slightly panicked. "Yes that would be… funny. Anyway, let's get onto the memory."

The whole group focused on the screen as it lit up. The scene was only Tony driving while looking at some documents. He then threw them onto the passenger seat and sighed, muttering to himself looking visibly stressed.

The scene then skipped forwards a bit to Tony talking to Harley.

"Harley, tell me what's happening," Tony was saying, "Give me the full report."

"Yeah, I'm still eating that candy," Harley told him, "Do you want me to keep eating it?"

"How much have you had?" Tony asked.

"Two or three bowels," Harley replied.

"Can you still see straight?"

"Sort of."

"That means your fine. Give me JARVIS," Tony said and Harley put the phone to the bead of the Iron Man suit.

"Yeah, that kid is fine," Natasha said sarcastically, "He only got minor brain damage from that."

"In my defense-" Tony began, but Clint cut him off.

"I don't think you have a defense," Clint sighed, "How big were the bowels?"

"Probably not that big," Tony shrugged, "He said he could see straight and I'm not his dad. Who was I to tell him to stop eating candy?"

Tony turned back to the screen to see on screen Tony say, "Jarvis? How are we?"

"It's totally fine, sir," the voice of Jarvis responded, "I seem to do quite well for a stretch, and then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry." Tony frowned and Jarvis continued. "And, sir, you were right. Once I factored in available AIM downlink facilities, I was able to the pinpoint the Mandarin's broadcast signal."

"Where are we talking?" Tony asked, "Far East, Europe, North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Syria? Where is it?"

"Actually, sir, it's in Miami," Came Jarvis's reply.

"Ok, kid, I'm gonna have to walk you through rebooting Jarvis's speech drive, but not right now," Tony said, "Harley, where is he really? Just look ok the screen and tell me where it is."

"Actually, it does say Miami, Florida," Harley told him.

"No way," Natadha said quietly.

Bruce turned round, "What?"

"No way the Mandarin was really in Miami," Natasha frowned, "SHEILD was going crazy with that one."

"Oh, really?" Tony snapped, "Well, they could have helped."

"Ok, first things first," on screen Tony said, "I need the armor. Where are we at with it?"

"Um," Harley said, "It's not charging."

Suddenly Tony slammed the breaks on and pulled the car over to the side of the empty road. His breathing quickened and became shallow as he looked increasingly more panicked every second.

"Actually, sir, it is charging," Jarvis him, "But the power source is questionable. It may not succeed in revitalising the Mark 42."

"What's questionable about electricity? Alright?" Tony snapped, still struggling to breathe. "It's my suit and I can't… I'm not gonna… I don't wanna… Oh god, not again."

"Tony?" Harley called as Tony scrambled to get out the car, gasping for breath. "Are you having another attack? I didn't even mention New York."

"Right, and then you just said it by name while denying having said it," Tony said quickly.

"Ok, um, uh," Harley fumbled for words while Tony sank down until he was sitting on the ground against the car.

"Oh god, what am I gonna do?" Tony said, anxiety washing over him.

"Just breathe," Harley told him, "Really, just breathe. You're a mechanic, right? You said so."

"Yes, I did," Tony was breathing slightly easier now.

"Why don't you just build something?"

Tony thought for a moment, the panic leaving his face and determination replacing it. He stood up slowly and got back into the car.

"Ok," He said, "Thanks, kid." He then started the car and drove off as the screen turned to black.

"So, that started after New York?" Steve asked.

"That was a mighty battle, one to tell stories about," Thor said, "Why are you so afraid of it?"

"Not everyone views 'mighty battles' as a good thing, brother," Loki told him.

"Some people even hate them," Bucky muttered quietly to himself, only heard by Steve, who smiled sadly in agreement.

"Thor, you participate in a lot of 'mighty battles' like that, so you're used to it," Tony said, "I had never planned to do anything like that. Ever. And I did not enjoy it. I'm pretty sure most of us didn't enjoy it, to be honest."

The group was silent for a moment. A silent understanding.


Hi, RedCorvette084 here

Yes, we are back on schedule (hopefully)

I don't think there's that much longer on Tony, the next character awaits!!

See you in the next chapter xx

Hey guys, Lulusurfista here!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

I personally love the hurt/comfort!!

Anyways, please comment to let us know what you thought!!

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