Twenty-Eight ~ Steve and Bucky

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Hi, thanks for being patient, here's the next half of the memory !

On screen, young Steve was hurling stones at the window, a bored look on his face. That look quickly morphed into a smile when he saw Bucky standing at the window, an equally large smile on his face.

Bucky released the latch and pushed the window open. He leaned out to talk to Steve, seemingly unaware how easy it was to fall.

“Steve!” Bucky shouted, “You alright?”

“You're the one hanging out the window,” Steve called back, “But yeah, sort of.”

“Alright,” Bucky looked around for a moment, his eyes scaling the wall around the window. “I'm coming down.”

“That sounds like a terrible idea,” Tony said off screen.

“Yeah, it was,” Bucky admitted, “But it turned out fine.”

“What? No, I was just going to talk to you, not tell you to come down!” Steve yelled hurriedly on screen.

“Nah, I'm gonna get down,” Bucky said, then disappeared from the window for a moment, then came back with his rucksack. “Take my bag!”

Steve reached his arms up to catch the bag, but failed as it fell down on top of him.

“You alright?” Bucky yelled again.

“Mostly,” Steve replied, “How are you gonna get down?”

“Uhhh, not sure,” Bucky said, while he was awkwardly edging out of the window. He ended up standing on the frame, hands gripping on to the window frame.

“Oh god, I can't watch this again,” Steve muttered off screen and put his head in his hands.

“It wasn't that bad, was it?” Bucky frowned.

“Not in the end, but I was freaking out in the moment,” Steve told him.

“Ah,” Bucky said, “Sorry about that.”

On screen, Steve was watching Bucky with an equally worried expression as he was off screen.

“What are you gonna do now?” Young Steve asked.

“Shut up, I'm trying to think,” Bucky snapped. He slowly lowered himself down until his foot was on a brick that was half sticking out of the wall. He then moved his other foot down to the top of the window that was below him.

“You ok?” Steve asked him.

“Yeah,” Bucky answered, “Sorry for telling you to shut up.”

“It's fine,” Steve said.

“Can you tell me if anyone is in that room through the window?” Bucky asked.

“Nope, it's empty,” Steve told him, “I checked.”

“Good,” Bucky said, then continued to climb down the side of the wall. Once he was on the ground he brushed his hands on his trousers and smiled triumphantly at Steve.

“That was stupid,” Steve told him.

“But awesome,” Bucky replied, “Now, who do I have to punch?”

“No one,” Steve sighed, “Nothing really happened. Just-”

“Just what?” Bucky asked him.

“They called me some stuff,” Steve looked down.

“What did they say?” Bucky asked again.

“They called me a fairy,” Steve sulked, “And a f*g.”

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