Twenty-Two ~ Steve

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"Could everyone please come back to the cinema room now?" Kylie's voice called through the speakers to everyone.

The group slowly walked back to the cinema room, Bucky and Steve hanging back. They were both worried about the memories that were going to be shared, but at least they could do it together.

Once they were all seated, they heard Kylie's voice again.

"Ok, are you all ready?" She asked and got a few nods and mumbles in response.

"We're going to start at childhood, like Tony's memories, so here we go," Hayden said as the screen lit up.

They were in a living room. A small one. The curtains were drawn and it was dimly lit. A man and a woman sat on a sofa sort of sad and waiting for something.

"Who are they?" Clint asked, and everyone turned to Steve to ask, but only saw him staring at the screen, slight tears in his eyes.

"My parents," He said quietly, and no one asked any more questions.

A woman and a man came in then, both in doctor-like clothes. The woman was holding a tiny baby, wrapped in a bundle of blankets, and she walked towards the man and woman. She bent down and handed them the baby, a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong with him?" The woman on the sofa asked, "Why is he so small?"

"He was born two months early," the doctor told them, "He has fairly severe health complications. Such as asthma, scoliosis, heart arrhythmia, partial deafness, stomach ulcers, and pernicious anemia. These can lead to complications in the future. There's nothing else I can do for you now, since I'm needed elsewhere. Someone will come by tomorrow with any medicine you will need. Care for him, and try to get some rest." The doctor, followed by the nurse, walk towards the door, but they stop just before they leave. "Oh, it's well past one now. Happy Independence day." They then left.

The woman then turned to the man, holding the baby in her arms.

"It's July 4th?" She asked him.

"Yes," The man said, "He was born on the greatest day in American history."

The screen faded to black and they all sat back in their seats.

"You really were born on the 4th of July?" Tony asked, "I always thought that was a myth to make you sound even more perfect."

"So did I, actually," Clint said, "It was one of the first things I found out about you, and I was like 'yeah, right, that can't be true'. But it is! And I've seen it! Does watching it on a screen count as seeing it?"

"It's not the same," Tony said, "But I guess it counts, yeah."

"You were only just on the 4th," Natasha said, "Almost the 3rd."

"Yeah," Steve laughed slightly, "My mom always said that."

"Let's not forget how many medical problems you had," Bruce said, "If you hadn't have become Captain America, I'm not sure how far into life you would have gotten."

"Yeah, it was hell a lot of the time," Steve admitted, "It was always hell trying to find medicine and stuff after the war. I remember once… actually don't worry, I'm sure you'll find out."

"What year was this?" Tony asked.

"1918," Steve said, "Why?"

"No reason," Tony told him. There was a reason. Tony was thinking. If Steve was born in 1918, and he got the soldier serum in 1941, he can't have been that old. Tony has never asked how old he was before, but always assumed it was like mid thirties or something. He was going to ask then, but decided against it, as they would probably look at it soon.

"Ok, are you all ready for the next memory?" Hayden asked, their voice interrupting everyone's conversation. Everyone turned to the screen as it lit up again.


Hi, RedCorvette084 here!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know its a little short, sorry

It's the first memory on Steve!!

Loads more to come !!

See you in the next chapter x

Hey guys, Lulusurfista here

Fun fact: I was also a premature baby, born after 7 months!!

I hope you liked the chapter, please vote and comment!!

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