Ten ~ Tony

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"So," Kylie said to all the people in the room. "This memory may be… sensitive in some things. It's a bit more recent than the other memories. And it's got a lot to do with how Tony became Iron Man."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, "What's happened recently?"

"It was before you woke up, Steve, so we don't expect you to know," Hayden said, "But others will have only heard about this on the news, obviously not Thor or Loki, but others."

Steve looked as if he was about to start saying something, but the screen lit up and he stopped.

On-screen Tony was running, and gunshots rained beside him. He hid behind a rock, managing to escape the bullets.

"Tony, what the hell is going on?" Natasha asked, frowning.

"You look like you're in a war," Clint said, with a similar look on his face.

On-screen Tony pulls out his phone, and starts typing something before a bomb landed next to him, clearly a Stark Industry product. The bomb exploded and a loud ringing sound could be heard.

Everyone was looking at the screen, worried for Tony, when they heard a laugh from one side of the room.

"You were hit by your own bomb?" Loki smirked, "That's ridiculous."

"It wasn't supposed to happen," Tony snapped.

"No shit, Sherlock," Loki rolled his eyes, which resulted in multiple people telling him to shut up. He frowned for a moment, but then grinned again.

Back on the screen, Tony's shirt was growing increasingly red, before the screen went white.

The screen started flashing white, in between short clips of what seemed to be a surgery, when a scream, presumably Tony's rang, before someone put a white tissue in his mouth and he passed out.

"Jeez," Clint sighed, "Is that how you got your arc reactor, Tony?"

"Yeah," Tony replied, "It was… painful."

The scene continued with Tony waking up, startled with a feeding tube in his nose. He breathed heavily, and after a moment of confusion, he pulled the feeding tube out, groaning.

"Well," Clint frowned, "That's gross."

"It felt gross too," Tony replied.

"You know, Tony, you really shouldn't do that," Bruce told him, "It could potentially be really dangerous and have future repercussions."

"What, like an arc reactor in my chest?" Tony joked and Bruce stayed silent.

After attempting to grab something, and failing, he ​​coughed, before trying to get up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," A man said while shaving his beard.

"Tony," Natasha said, noticing a sad look in his eyes. "You ok?"

"Yeah," Tony said, "Just… remembering an old friend."

On-screen Tony noticed that he was hooked up to a car battery, ripping his bandages he looked at the arc reactor, wheezing.

The memory skipped ahead, to the man preparing some kind of food.

"What the hell did you do to me?"

"What I did? What I did is save your life. I removed all the shrapnel I could. There's a lot left and it's headed into your atrial sector. Here, wanna see? I have a souvenir," The man said, throwing a bottle to Tony.

"Wait, that's what your injury was?" Natasha asked, concerned.

"Well, no shit," Tony said, "What did you think happened?"

Back on screen, the man continued talking.

"I've seen many wounds like that. We call them the walking dead, because it takes about a week for the shrapnel to reach the vital organs."

Tony looked numb, as he asked, "What is this?"

"That," The man replied, "Is an electromagnet hooked up to a car battery, and it's keeping the shrapnel from reaching your heart."

Tony looked at the ceiling, to find cameras observing them.

"That's right!" The man said, noticing where Tony was looking. "Smile! We met once, you know… at a technical conference in Berlin."

"I don't remember," said Tony, sharply.

"You wouldn't," The man laughed, "If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't be able to stand, much less give a lecture on integrated circuits."

"You were drunk?" Steve asked, "And this guy said you were giving a lecture? I can't believe you sometimes, Tony."

Tony just shrugged and continued to stare back at the screen.

"Where are we?" On-screen Tony interrupted them, immediately drawing everyone's attention. The man was about to answer when a sound was heard outside the cave.

"Stand up! Stand up!" The man ordered, before the doors opened.

Both the man and Tony put his hands up as some kind of terrorists entered the room.

"My guns!?" Tony exclaimed, "How did they get my guns?"

"Do as I do," Was the only thing that the man said.

The presumed leader of the group started speaking in a foreign language.

"He said 'Welcome, Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer of America'," The man translated, before the leader started speaking again.

"He's honored," Came the translation, "He wants you to build a missile."

The leader spoke again, handing the man a piece of paper. "This missile."
"I refuse," said Tony, glaring at the leader.

"Tony, that probably wasn't a good idea," Nat said.

"Yeah," Tony said, "I really should have thought that through."



Hey guys, Lulusurfista here!

I hope you like this chapter! We got a bit carried away while writing it so it's a bit longer!

So, we finally got to the ironman movies! I think you guys know what's next !!

Hi, RedCorvette084 here x

Now we've got to the movies, it won't be long until we move onto another character, it's probably going to be Steve (might have to include Bucky with him) and then we'll move onto the other characters

Bye, see you in the next chapter!!

Also, updates may skip a week, because we have slowed down a bit in writing, I'll tell you if anything changes :)

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