Twenty ~ Tony

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"Ok," Kylie said, "Tony, I think you'll be happy to know that this is your last memory."

"Really?" Tony gasped, "Oh, thank god!"

"Who's next?" Clint asked. A look of worry passed over everyone's face.

"You'll find out after this memory," Hayden said and everyone turned to the screen as it lit up.

It was Tony and Pepper standing in ruins, both covered in blood. They were talking.

"Jesus, what the hell happened?" Bruce asked.

"The Mandarin," Tony replied.

"That's what I do," On screen Tony was saying to Pepper. "I fix stuff."

"And all you distractions?" Pepper replied.

"Uh, I'm gonna shave them down a little bit," Tony told her, then held his hand up to an earpiece. "Jarvis? Hey."

"All wrapped up here, sir," Jarvis said, "Will there be anything else?"

Tony looked at Pepper, "You know what to do."

"The 'Clean Slate Protocol', sir?" Jarvis asked.

"Screw it, it's Christmas," Tony said after a moment's thought. "Yes, yes." He then hugged Pepper, who looked slightly confused.

Pepper then looked up to the sky to see all the Iron Man suits flying up and self-destructing, blowing up in the air. They kind of looked like fireworks. Tony sadly turned his head away and carried on hugging Pepper.

"You destroyed all your suits?" Natasha said.

"Not all," Tony confessed, "I kept one. There only needs to be one Iron Man. No fancy tech on it, just Iron Man."

"Okay so far?" On screen Tony asked Pepper, "Do you like it?"

"It'll do," Pepper sighed.

Tony smiled and closed his eyes. The screen faded to black.

"That was… quick," Clint said.

"We didn't think you needed to see anymore," Hayden said.

"At least it's over," Tony said, "Now it's one of you."

"Yes, who is the next person?" Thor asked

"You said we could know after the memory," Clint said.

"Okay," Kylie said, "It's Steve. But since Bucky's memories are also connected to Steve's, we'll be doing his memories as well."

Bucky visibly sank lower in his seat and Steve paled a little.

"Don't you think this is a little bit of an invasion of privacy?" Loki asked, "And by 'little bit' I mean a lot."

"There's nothing about you we don't know, and we're trying to prevent something from happening that will ruin all your lives for five years and more," Hayden told them all.

"And if it works, it will save us a great deal of pain too," Kylie said.

"What, from watching TV characters?" Natasha frowned.

"You mean everything to us," Kylie told them.

"We care about all of you, and would much rather see you happy than sad," Hayden added, "You all can take a break now, and come back in three hours to watch some more memories."


Hiiiiii, RedCorvette084 here !!

So, last Tony chapter

I hope you've enjoyed these chapters, Steve is going to be fun to write about

Just because we've finished for now, doesn't mean we won't write about Tony again in the future !!

We're going to be taking a week's break to get the memories sorted out for Steve, so it's two week until the next chapter, sorry

See you soon xx

Hey guys, Lulusurfista here

Tony's turn is over!! I hope you liked all his memories, or at least liked the reactions!!

Anyways, Steve and Bucky are next!

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