Thirty-Two ~ Steve and Bucky

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“So, guys,” Kylie said, “We think you deserve a bit of a break now.”

“Yes!” Clint cheered and pumped his fist in the air.

“You have an hour to do what you want,” Hayden told them.

They all rushed to the door to get out, apart from Loki, who calmly put his book away and walked after the rest of them. He was acting like he wasn't bothered by all this, but he really was worried about what would be shown in his memories. He couldn't remember anything that he had done that would make them think any better of him. Or make them believe that it wasn't really him who attacked New York.

“I'm going to sleep,” Clint announced, “And I'm going to stay that way for as long as I can.”

“I will too, actually,” Tony agreed and him, plus Clint, Natasha, Loki and Bruce all decided on sleeping for the hour.

“Do you know if there are any Pop Tarts around here?” Thor asked Steve and Bucky, who he was left alone with.

“Check the cupboards,” Steve told him, “There's food in them.”

Thor walked off to raid the food cupboards.

“So, Buck,” Steve said, “How are you finding this?”

“Overwhelming,” Bucky replied, running a hand through his hair, working out his stress. “But also helpful. There's so much of myself that I don't remember and this is really helping me out.”

“Well, that's good,” Steve smiled, “I think I'm gonna go take a nap.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Bucky returned the smile and they both left the kitchen.

“Hey, guys, I found the… pop tarts,” Thor, with armfuls of pop tarts threatening to spill to the floor, bounded into the kitchen, shouting about his discovery. His voice trailed off, however, when he realized no one was there. “Oh.”

Later, they were all sat back in their normal seats, ready to watch.

“Alright, now you're all back here,” Kylie said, “We can start the next memory. Steve and Bucky are both around twenty-one.”

The screen lit up to show Steve and Bukcy sitting around their kitchen table - still in Sarah's house. They never ended up moving out after she died.

“Can you believe this?” Bucky said, holding up a newspaper. “The world is at war again. And it's Germany, again. Don't you think people would have learned by now?”

“I know, I heard,” Steve agreed.

“God, you both already sounded like old men back then,” Tony laughed and Steve scowled at him.

“And they're saying we might have to help fight,” Bucky said on screen, “Sounds terrifying.”

“You think?” Steve frowned at him, “I think it's an opportunity. You know, to show how much you would fight for your country and how much of a man you are. Despite how, um, tall or short you may be.”

“Come on, Steve,” Bucky sighed, “This isn't a height competition. It isn't between classmates. This is war. It’s serious. When the time comes, don't you dare think about enlisting.”

Steve looked away at the moment, Bucky having just voiced the ideas already in his mind.

“My god, Steve you're not really thinking about it, are you?” Bucky asked him.

“Of course I am, you know me,” Steve said angrily, “Besides, they won't even accept me.”

“But what if they do?” Bucky shouted back, “What if they're really desperate and they do accept you?”

“Ooh, that's low,” Clint joked and Natasha elbowed him in the ribs.

“Gee, thanks, Buck,” Steve said on screen and Bucky rolled his eyes.

“No, I didn't mean it like that,” Bucky explained, “It's just that you'll enlist, thinking it's all patriotic and you're doing your duty, but then you'll actually have to do your duty. And no matter how many times you say you are, you'll never be ready.”

“I'm sorry, Bucky,” Steve said after a moment, “But I have my opinions on this and I'm sticking with them. But, when the time comes, are you telling me that you're not going to enlist?”

“Let's face it, I'll probably get drafted anyway,” Bucky muttered and they both fell silent. The screen faded to black.

“Wow Steve,” Bucky said off screen. “You were really determined to give me a heart attack.

“Yeah, I guess I was,” Steve laughed.



Hiiii, RedCorvette084 hereeee

Sorry this chapter was a little short, still hoped your enjoyed it :)

We should be getting onto the film in the next memory or so !!

See you in the next chapter!!!

Heu guys, Lulusurfista here

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

We’re almost getting to the movies, so if you want a specific scene, don't be afraid to tell us!

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