Thirty ~ Steve and Bucky

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“Ok,” Hayden said to them all, “We're going to give you guys a happy memory now, to make up for the last one.”

“That will be a bit nicer,” Natasha said in an attempt to cheer Bucky and Steve up - an attempt she knew wouldn't go very far.

“Yeah,” Steve replied and smiled weakly at her.

“Both Steve and Bucky will be sixteen in this memory, Steve only has been for about two weeks, though,” Kylie explained as the screen lit up to show a classroom of sixteen year olds, all looking bored and continuously glancing at a clock on the wall.

“Not long now,” Steve muttered when the scene focused on him.

It then switched to the clock on the wall. The second hand on thirty seconds. Then forty five. Then fifty. Then fifty five. Then sixty. The second the hand hit sixty, everyone jumped up out of their seats and rushed to the door, slinging their bags over their shoulders as they did.

Steve and Bucky were both looking for each other in the mob of now former students running through the school halls, but both were equally as focused on getting out. Once they reached the doors of the school, Bucky finally saw Steve and grabbed his arm, dragging him along behind him. Even thought Steve was the same age, he was still a bit smaller than most other students, so being pulled along with Bucky was essentially easier than trying to find a way out on his own.

Once the river of people had died down, Bucky let go of Steve and walked a bit slower than he had been before. Steve was breathing heavily, though, so Bucky stopped to let him get some air.

“I can't believe it's over, Stevie,” Bucky laughed, then pointed at the school building. “We never have to go back there ever again! We're done!”

“Yeah,” Steve agreed, “Done forever!”

“Looking back,” Off screen Steve said, “I would actually prefer to be back in school than where I am now.”

“In a movie theater watching your life?” Tony asked.

“No,” Steve said, “Just where I am in life in general.”

On screen, the scene changed to Steve and Bucky sitting in Steve's room. They had both changed out of their school uniform and were talking about what they should do.

“We've gotta celebrate somehow,” Bucky sighed, “Your mom is out and there won't be another last day of school.”

“We could sneak into the movie theater,” Steve suggested, “There's one just opened about ten minutes away.”

“Really?” Bucky asked, “Won't there be, like, security and stuff?”

“Nah, there's hardly anyone there,” Steve assured him.

“How do you know?” Bucky said.

“I thought it would be a good idea to sneak in, so I looked around,” Steve confessed.

“Who would've thought Captain America used to be a child criminal,” Tony joked.

“It was worth it,” Bucky told him, “Movie tickets were expensive.”

On screen, Bucky and Steve were standing round the back of a movie theater, a back exit door to the side of them.

“So we just go through that door?” Bucky asked.

“Yep,” Steve said, “Easy.”

“And you're sure there's not going to be anyone there to stop us?” Bucky said.

“Yes, I'm sure,” Steve rolled his eyes and reached for the door handle.

He swung the door open to see a man in a police uniform standing there scowling at them.

“Oh,” Steve said, “Shit.”

“Run,” Bucky yelled and him and Steve took off, darting into an alley next to the movie theater. The officer was running behind, shouting out at them.

“What are we gonna do?” Steve asked.

Bucky didn't answer, instead, when they turned the next corner, he quickly pulled them behind a few garbage cans. When the officer came round the corner, Bucky lunged out and grabbed his ankle, sending the guy tumbling to the ground.

“That was unexpected,” Tony laughed, “Good job guys.”

“You know it's illegal to assault an officer?” Bruce raised an eyebrow.

“It's only illegal if you get caught,” Steve responded, which got him a thump on the head from Bucky.

“No, I'm pretty sure it's still illegal,” Bruce told him.

“Yeah, dumbass,” Bucky muttered.

On screen, Bucky grabbed Steve and pulled him along behind him once again, running back the way they came. They turned the corner and came back out of the alley they originally went down.

“You still wanna go see the movie?” Bucky asked and Steve smiled then led the way through the back door of the movie theater.

The screen faded to black.

“How much of these memories do you guys remember?” Tony asked, “Because you both have had injuries that could have affected your brains in some way.”

“I remember most of it,” Steve said, “But not overly clearly.”

“I remember by the end of the memories,” Bucky said, “But at the start of most of them I have no clue.”

Steve laughed at the way Bucky joked, and was happy that he was becoming more confident in a room of people he barely knew. He was glad people were getting to know the Bucky he knew rather than assuming he was a bad person.

“Ok,” Hayden's voice spoke up from the speakers. “Time for the next memory.”


Hiii, RedCorvette084 here !!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Having two weeks to write this instead of one is so much nicer than one, maybe if our school work gets less then it may go back to one but im not sure

Anyway, thanks for reading :)

Hey, Lulusurfista here

Finally!! A happy memory…

Don't be too happy tho, soon enough we’ll get back to torturing you guys with angst…

Anyways, please vote and comment your thoughts!!

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