Sixteen ~ Tony

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"So," Kylie said, "The next memory we show you, you should all remember, but this will be from Tony's perspective."

The avengers nodded, and the screen lit up to show a cityscape of New York, swarming with aliens. It then cut to Natasha holding Loki's scepter out towards the force field surrounding the device that would close the portal.

"I can close it," She said, breathing heavily. "Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down."

The screen then cut to Steve seemingly in the middle of the battle.

"Do it!" He shouted, but Tony spoke quickly.

"No, wait," Tony's voice was heard over the coms.

"Stark, these things are still coming," Steve told him.

"I've got a nuke coming in," Tony argued back, "It's gonna blow in less than a minute." Tony was in his suit, flying quickly after a missile aimed in the direction of the city. "And I know just where to put it." Tony grabbed onto the missile from below and started pushing it upwards, in the direction of the portal.

"Stark," Steve said over coms, "You know that's a one way trip."

Tony ignored Steve and spoke to JARVIS. "Save the rest for the turn, J," He said.

"Sir," JARVIS's automated voice seemed full of emotion. "Shall I try Miss Potts?"

"Might as well," Tony sighed, a sad look in his eye, one that was quickly covered up with determination.

The screen then showed Pepper's phone vibrating next to her, but she didn't notice it because of the news report on TV. Then it cut to people on the SHIELD helicarrier watching the same news report of Tony flying with the missile.

Tony was then shown flying almost directly towards the portal, not slowing down for a second. Thor and Steve looked up, watching their friend go to what they all had thought would be his death.

"Imagine if you hadn't come back," Clint said, "How much would be different?"

"For one thing," Thor said loudly, "We would not be the avengers anymore."

"Of course you would," Tony said, frowning, "You can still save people with five of you."

"I would not stop saving people," Thor said, "We just would not be the avengers. We would need all of our members to be alive, or the avengers would not be whole."

Back on screen, Tony was flying the missile right past the Stark tower, bouncing off of it slightly. Natasha looked up, pointing the scepter towards the force field, ready to close it at the first chance she could.

Then Tony flew into the portal, and disappeared.

Everyone on the SHIELD helicarrier was cheering, except for Fury, who looked on, having hoped for a different outcome. The screen then showed Tony in space still pushing the missile slightly. Pepper's call failed, and JARVIS powered down, along with the suit, leaving Tony wildly looking around, powerless. Tony pushed off the missile and fell back, the nuke flying into the ship. All around the avengers, the Chitauri fell.

Tony closed his eyes as he drifted further towards the portal, while Steve stared upward, along Natasha, still ready to close the portal

"Come on, Stark," She muttered.

Steve glanced at Thor, then back towards the portal before deciding.

"Close it," He said sadly.

Natasha didn't answer, just rammed the scepter into the force field, closing down the device. The portal started to shrink, but Tony fell through with just enough time left.

Everyone watching the screen breathed a sigh of relief at seeing this.

"I knew you were going to be fine, but that was still worrying," Bruce sighed, "Jesus, that must have been terrifying."

"It kinda was," Tony admitted.

"Kinda!?" Clint shouted, "If that happened to me, I'd never leave my fucking house again."

"You don't own a house," Tony joked.

"Yeah, well, maybe I do," Clint said, but Tony laughed it off. He didn't know Clint was actually telling the truth.

On screen, Natasha smiled when she saw Tony fall through, not knowing he wasn't in control.

"Son of a gun," Steve sighed as he and Thor watched on.

Tony didn't stop, just fell faster though, and Thor's smile of relief turned into a frown.

"He's not slowing down," He said, and started to spin his hammer, getting ready to catch him. Before he could, though, the hulk grabbed Tony and caught him against a building. He stopped Tony from falling to the ground, and laid him down when they got there, Thor and Steve running over.

"Is he breathing?" Steve asked as Thor tore off the faceplate of Tony's suit.

Tony lay there, not moving, as Steve knelt beside him. No one said anything. They didn't know what to say. Suddenly, the hulk roared right in his face, and Tony gasped, shocked at the sudden noise. Steve's face lit up and hulk roared again triumphantly.

"What the hell?" Tony said, still shocked. Thor smiled. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

Steve took a moment, breathing heavily and said, "We won."

The screen faded to black. And the Avengers watching all sighed, remembering that day.

"I remember what happened next," Loki said suddenly, "You all stood around me and threatened me with an arrow to the face. And I asked for a drink but I never got one."

"Yeah," Tony said, "That offer expired."



Hiii, RedCorvette084 here

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is a little shorter than usual, but at least it's on time (mostly)

Anyway, we are really nearing the end of Tony's memories, hope you make it to the end!!

Hey guy, Lulusurfista here!

I hope you liked the chapter and don't worry we have only 1-2 chapters on Tony before we move on to another character!

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