Thirty-Four ~ Steve and Bucky

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“Welcome, to the Moderns Marvels Pavilion and the world of tomorrow,” a voice announced over a speaker system in the Expo. “A greater world. A better world.”

Music played and Steve, Bucky and the two women were standing at the front of a crowd of people, looks of wonder and awe on their faces.

“Oh my god,” the woman holding Bucky's hand cried excitedly, “It's starting!” She then dragged the group into a different crowd and squeezed near the front, Steve lagging behind a little bit.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Another voice announced, “Mr Howard Stark!”

“Oh, great,” Tony said sarcastically.

Steve shot him a sympathetic look and then focused back on the screen.

On screen, the crowd clapped as they watched as five girls on the stage, who were standing in front of a car, all turned sideways as Howard came onto the stage. One of the women took his hat and he kissed her before taking the microphone and then quickly wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“He even acted like a dick then,” Natasha mumbled and Clint nodded in agreement next to her.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Howard announced on screen, a smile in his voice, “What if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all.”

“Ah, like our chariots in Asgard,” Thor smiled.

“No, Thor,” Loki rolled his eyes, “They are not that advanced.”

“Yeah,” Tony agreed, “It's more jet fuel powered engines than magic.”

On screen, the woman came back on and took the wheels off the car, revealing some sort of contraption under the hubcaps.

“Yes, thanks Mandy,” Howard said while moving back slightly. “With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology you'll be able to do just that.” Howard then turned some dials and then slowly, the car began to rise off of the stage. The audience gasped in shock.

“Holy cow,” Bucky said, as the car rose higher.

“Alright, you have to admit, for the fourties, that's pretty cool,” Clint said.

“Yeah, he did have some bright ideas,” Tony admitted.

“I mean, he built my shield, so he didn't used to be completely useless,” Steve said.

Tony shrugged in agreement, but noted that Steve said ‘used to’, showing that he only thought of this Howard - the person that Steve knew - as the useful one, not the one who had grown to be Tony's father.

On screen, the technology fizzled and sparked as the car dropped back down, causing Bucky to shoot a smirk at Steve.

“I did say a few years, didn't I?” Howard said, trying to cover up that it hadn't worked.

“Actually,” Bucky said off screen, “He did say a few years. Tony, where are all the flying cars?”

“Unfortunately, that project probably got buried as it was a ton of money per car and not amazing for the environment,” Tony explained.

“Ok, that makes sense,” Bucky said.

On screen, the audience were clapping and laughing, while Steve was looking around the room, his eyes settling on an enlisting poster before the camera switched to Bucky.

“Hey Steve, what do you say we treat these girls-” Bucky turned round to see that Steve had gone.

Steve meanwhile, was standing on a platform that showed your face in a soldier's position. It only showed the top of Steve's face. He was too short. Bucky suddenly shoved him, causing Steve to stumble forward slightly.

“Come on,” Bucky laughed, “You're kind of missing the point of a double date. We're taking the girls dancing.”

“You go ahead,” Steve replied, “I'll catch up with you.”

Bucky looked at Steve for a moment then sighed and said, “You're really gonna do this again?”

“Well, it's a fare, I'm gonna try my luck,” Stevr shrugged.

“As who, Steve from Ohio?” Bucky asked, “They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you.”

“You really didn't want him joining the army, did you?” Tony said.

“In Steve's condition?” Bruce told him, “He was right to be worried.”

“Look,” On screen Steve said, “I know you don't think I can do this.”

“This isn't a back alley, Steve, it's war,” Bucky told him.

“I know it's a war,” Steve retorted.

“Why are you so keen to fight?” Bucky asked, “There's so many important jobs.”

“What do you want me to do? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon?” Steve joked.

“Yes!” Bucky cried, “Why not?”

“I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky, come on,” Steve argued, “There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me.”

“Right,” Bucky said bitterly, “Cause you got nothing to prove.”

A white haired man with glasses was watching their whole conversation, taking note of Steve and his beliefs.

“Hey Sarge!” One of the women from earlier called, “Are we going dancing?”

“Yes, we are!” Bucky called back, turning away from Steve for a moment. He stepped back then turned to face him. “Don't do anything stupid until I get back.”

“How can I?” Steve called back, “You're taking all the stupid with you.”

Steve smiled and Bucky walked back to hug him.

“You're a punk,” Bucky said as he wrapped his arms around Steve.

“Jerk,” Steve said back as they broke apart. “Be careful.” He watched Bucky walk away for a moment. “Don't win the war until I get there.”

Bucky saluted him then walked off. The screen faded to black.

“That was actually sweet at the end,” Bruce smiled.

“Yeah, it was,” Steve said.

“I remember praying that he didn't get accepted,” Bucky said, “I don't know if I'm glad I was wrong.”



Hiii, RedCorvette084 hereee

Sorry its a day or two late, busy weekend

Anyway, hope you enjoy it !!

Hey guys, Lulusurfista here!!!

I hope you all liked the chapter, I personally really enjoyed it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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