Twenty-Seven ~ Steve and Bucky

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“This memory is sort of sweet,” Kylie said to the whole group. “We're going to get started with it straight away.”

“How old are they going to be?” Bruce asked.

“Steve is thirteen and Bucky is fourteen,” Hayden told him.

“I have an idea of what this will be,” Bucky muttered. No one heard him.

The screen lit up to show Steve and Bucky walking along a path in school clothes, a rucksack on each of their backs. They were chatting away about something and smiling. Well, it was more like Steve was talking on and on about something, and Bucky was just listening, a content look on his face.

“What do you think?” Steve asked. It was a question about what he had been about. He frowned when Bucky didn't answer straight away. “Bucky?”

“Huh? Yeah?” Bucky seemed to snap out of his trance and looked straight at Steve. “I agree with you. You're right.”

“That's what I'm saying,” Steve said, then continued rambling on. Bucky just looked relieved that he had said the right thing.

This continued until they were almost at their school. Steve and Bucky walked into the building together, smiles on their faces. They were walking towards their classroom when a group of four boys stepped out in front of them. They blocked the path for Steve and Bucky, so they couldn't walk any further.

“Uh oh,” Clint muttered.

“This can't be good,” Bruce said.

“Hi, Steve,” one boy said on screen, “Hi, James.”

Bucky frowned at the use of his name and Steve just looked nervous.

“What do you want?” Bucky asked, moving himself to stand slightly in front of Steve. He had hoped this would go unnoticed, but it didn't and a few of the boys laughed.

“What are you trying to do? Protect him?” Another boy asked tauntingly.

“Hey, Steve, can you not even talk to someone without getting your boyfriend to help you?” Another boy laughed.

Steve went slightly red and Bucky just looked even angrier.

“Well, if you guys weren't such dicks all the time then I wouldn't have to,” He yelled.

“Alright then,” The first boy said, “What would you do if I did… this?” He then lunged forwards and pushed Steve on the shoulder. Steve stumbled backwards, not quite falling down, though.

“What did young Rogers do to him?” Thor asked angrily.

“Nothing,” Steve sighed, “That's sort of the point.”

“Then I shall rain down on him with all the fury of Asgard and I will-” Thor was stopped by Loki's hand on his arm.

“Maybe calm down slightly?” He told Thor, who glared as hard as he could at the floor.

On screen, young Bucky wore a similar expression, directed at the boy who had pushed Steve.

“I'd do this,” Bucky said and put a hand on each of the boy's shoulders and shoved him, hard. Hard enough that he landed on the floor with a thump.

“Woohoo!” Tony cried and many of them cheered in agreement.

On screen, Bucky smiled triumphantly, but froze when he heard the voice of a teacher behind them.

“Barnes! My office! Now!”

Bucky sighed and turned to face the teacher. He knew he had to go, but didn't like the thought of leaving Steve alone with those guys.

“All of you to your lessons,” The teacher shouted, “Barnes, with me.”

Bucky got shouted at by the teacher a bit, and Bucky shouted back while trying to explain that he was retaliating and the other boy started it. This resulted in him getting detention after school.

Last lesson rolled around quickly, and Buckyky was soon sitting in the back corner of the detention room, a very bored looking teacher sitting behind a desk. Bucky sighed, tracing his finger along the dents in the table. There was a tapping sound at the window that he barely noticed, just something in the back of his mind.

Bucky was annoyed at himself for ending up in detention, and he hoped those idiots had left Steve alone for the rest of the day, although it was highly unlikely.

The tapping on the window got louder, and Bucky turned around to see what it was. He saw stones being chucked at the window. He glanced over and saw the teacher was asleep, before getting out of his seat and walking over to the window.

“I bet that's you, Steve,” Clint said.

“You would be right,” Steve told him.

On screen, young Steve was hurling stones at the window, a bored look on his face. That look quickly morphed into a smile when he saw Bucky standing at the window, an equally large smile on his face.


Hi guys, RedCorvette084 here !

Yes, i am aware this is only half a memory, but we have been quite busy recently and couldnt finish it

If we had updated last week, then we would have just left this another week, but we don't want to leave you guys for ages with nothing!

And I think you'll like this memory !!

Hey, Lulusurfista here

Sorry for delivering only half a memory but it's better than nothing right?

I hope you at least liked this memory so far, and yeah, what authors would us be if we didn't left you in a cliffhanger at least once?

Please comment your thoughts!

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