Twelve ~ Tony

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"How'd that work?" Tony asked smugly after hearing the explosion go off. He was still in the Iron Man suit, Yinsen running frantically around him.

"Oh, my goodness," Yinsen said, startled. "It worked alright."

"That's what I do," Tony said hurriedly, "Let me finish this. Initialize the power sequence."

"Ok," Yinsen said and moved over to the computer, pressing the keys as and when Tony told him too, both of them well aware of what was going on around them.

"Fucking hell, this is intense," Clint muttered from his seat.

"Kind of like Budapest," Natshsa smirked, "Yeah?"

"How many different versions of Budapest do you have in your head?" Clint sighed and laughed. They then turned back to the screen.

On screen, Tony instructed Yinsen on how to do up the suit, while they could hear thundering footsteps of the men running to shoot them.

"We need more time," Yinsen said suddenly, standing up. "Hey. I'm gonna go buy you some time."

"Stick to the plan!" Tony yelled at Yinsen, who picked up a gun from a fallen man, and ran out of their part of the cave with it, shooting as he went. "Yinsen!"

"But that's suicide," Thor said, "The small man cannot survive going out there with a single gun and no armour."

"Yes, Thor, that's the point," Loki told him.

"But… why?" Thor asked, still confused.

"To be with his family," Loki said.

"But he's going to see his family when he leaves there," Clint pointed out.

"And where is his family?" Loki asked. People quietened down after that.

On screen, Yinsen ran out, firing his gun randomly into the air. He seemed to be doing quite well, driving a few of the men backwards, but he came to a stop as a large crowd of men stood as a barricade in front of him, all their guns aimed at his head.

Back where Tony was, the loading bar on the computer screen reached the end, and the lights dimmed as you could hear the suit powering up. Men ran towards the cave with guns, and there was silence as they waited outside the blown apart doors. The men looked around cautiously, none of them seeing Tony hidden away in the suit. One of the men got too close, and the others started rapidly firing as he was thrown backwards by the repulsor in the suit.

"Holy shit!" Clint cried.

"That was some serious power, Tony," Bruce remarked, "How the hell did you figure out the electronics for that?"

"I, uh, just went with what I thought would work," Tony told him, "And I'm lucky it did."

"Hold on," Steve said, "You weren't even sure if this thing would even work, and you were willing to risk your life building it?"

"Well, I sure as hell wasn't going to build them the missile, and they definitely weren't gonna let me go, so it was either a brave attempt to escape, or die," Tony said, "Which would you have picked?"

Back on screen, the men's bullets were seemingly useless, as Tony walked out and slammed them into the cave walls. Tony's whole suit was shown, the arc reactor powering the center, as it crashed through the caves, following the carefully plotted steps Tony had previously counted. Bullets effortlessly deflected off of the suit, as Tony batted people away as if they were nothing, very few of them having the brains to run away or hide.

There was a huge clang when Tony smashed through a pair of metal doors, chasing men away. At one point, he got his arm stuck in some of the wall, and a man cautiously walked up to him, gun raised. The man shot at the headpiece of the suit, but the bullet ricocheted off of the metal and embedded itself in his skull.

"Idiot," Natasha muttered, smiling slightly at watching Tony beat up his captors after fooling them by making them think he was building something entirely different for so long.

On screen, the bald man who threatened Yinsen before was preparing a weapon, as Tony walked in. Tony saw Yinsen, who was lying on the floor coughing up blood, and started to rush over.

"Yinsen!" He yelled.

"Watch out," Yinsen responded, seeing the bald man about to fire.

The bald man missed completely, and Tony fired a missile of his own at him, burning the side of his head and causing him to drop to the ground and stay there.

"Stark," Yinsen said, as Tony pulled his mask up.

"Come on," Tony said, "We gotta go. Move for me. Come on. We've got a plan. We've gotta stick to it."

"This was always the plan, Stark," Yinsen said weakly.

"Come on," Tony said, "You're gonna go see your family. Get up."

"My family is dead," Yinsen said, almost whispering now. "I am going to see them now, Stark. It's ok. I want this. I want this."

Tony sighed, then said, "Thank you for saving me."

"Don't waste it," Yinsen said quietly, "Don't waste your life." Those were his last words before he stopped breathing.

They all watched on, knowing what Loki had meant a few minutes ago.

"How did you know?" Steve asked.

"Know what?" Loki said.

"That his family was dead," Steve said.

"The look in his eyes," Loki said, "It was sad, lonely, and it was… it was like…"

"Like he had been defeated," Bucky finished off quietly. "He had given up, and he had nothing left to live for. He had accepted his fate, and in his last moments, chose to help someone he barely knew."

They were all at a loss for words, and everyone turned back to the screen, mourning the life of a good man only one of them had ever known in real life.

Tony was almost crying, silently, not having thought properly about this moment in a long time, choosing to stuff it deep down instead. As much as he hated the whole team seeing his memories and darkest moments, it had been good for him to relive them, to see how much he had changed, and how much more he needed to. And if these sort of memories were shown for all of the team, then maybe he would be able to understand their actions from their points of view as well.



Hey, RedCorvette084 here!!

Now were back on schedule for chapters, I hope you guys are enjoying the story

Sorry its taken us a while to post that last couple, hope you guys didn't mind

See you in the next chapter!!

Hey guys Lulusurfista here

Soooo that was dark lol.

I hope you liked the chapter!

I love this scene so much, it had so much impact on Tony!

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