Twenty-One ~ Break

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All the Avengers, plus Bucky and Loki, made their way into the living area. The couch was big enough to fit them all on (it was a really big couch) so they all sat down, feeling slightly awkward.

There was a long silence, occasionally broken by Tony tapping out something on the arm of the couch - he was on the end by choice.

"So," Steve said after about five minutes, "I'm next." He took a deep breath. "I'm sure we all have a lot we never thought we'd be telling anyone. I know I do. But obviously there is something that has happened in our future that means we have to go through this to resolve it."

"Well, I don't know why I'm here," Loki said suddenly, "I have nothing to do with you all."

"I shouldn't be here either," Bucky said. He hadn't spoken in a while - a lot of them had forgotten he was there. "And I don't want my memories shared with strangers."

"It's ok, Bucky," Steve told him, "No one is going to judge you."

"I might," Loki smirked.

"Correction," Tony said, "No one worth listening to is going to judge you."

Loki's smile dipped a bit and he looked the other way from his end of the couch. He was on the end mainly because only Thor would sit next to him. Also because he wanted to be.

"So," Clint said, "Are we gonna see what early 1900s childhood was like? Because from what Tony's memories were, it looks like we are."

"Anything you want to tell us before we see it?" Bruce asked Steve and Bucky.

"Nothing in particular," Steve told them, "Just that it wasn't a good time to grow up in. And when the war started… Just overall depressing." Steve looked down, trying his best not to focus on the memory of Bucky falling from the train and pick one of the other slightly less soul crushing ones to think of.

"It's ok, Steve," Natasha put her hand on Steve's from where she sat next to him. "And Bucky. We won't judge. Anything. Right, Tony?"

"Of course," Tony assured them both.


Hi, RedCorvette084 here x

First of all, sorry for the ridiculously short chapter

We're still working out the memories and I thought it was better to give you a short but sweet (kind of) conversation than to rush a memory chapter for a character section we haven't finished planning yet

Hope you enjoyed reading, see you in the next chapter!!

Hi, Lulusurfista here!

Sorry for the short chapter!

I hope you are all excited for Steve and Bucky's memories!!

We both started school already so the updates might take longer

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