Chapter 14

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Kristyn's POV
We got on the flight to London and I got the best nap that I've ever had in my entire life. When I woke up I noticed that we were landing soon and I got so excited because I had a surprise for Niall that he has no idea about. I asked his family to come to London and be with us for a couple of weeks for the surprise and the gender reveal. When we landed we were able to be the first ones off the plane since we were in first class. We got our bags and I told Niall to go in front of me which he was confused at first but he did as I said and I got my phone out to video his reaction.

Niall's POV
When we got off the plane in London and Kristyn told me to go in front of her I was confused but then I knew why. My family and her family were standing there waiting for us and I definitely teared up this is the first time both of our families have been together since our wedding almost 8 years ago. I ran up to my mom and gave her the biggest hug ever I hugged the rest of my family and Kristyn's family and we headed out to the cars and headed to Kristyn's parents house  where we were gonna tell both of our families the news of the pregnancy.

Kristyn's POV
We got back to my childhood house and Niall and I brought our luggage up to my childhood bedroom and I grabbed the presents and we brought them down to our parents. I grabbed my phone and started filming and they opened the presents. It took them a minute to realize what they were looking at but when they did they were so excited! They all came and gave us hugs and Niall and I were so glad that the secret was finally out. After we were done hugging then we told them that we were gonna have a gender reveal and they got even more excited. Now since the secret was out I took off my sweatshirt that I was wearing that was baggy enough to hide my bump and let my bump out in the open. We all sat around the couch for a little bit longer and then Jetlag kicked in for Niall and I so we went and got ready for bed. As I was getting ready for bed I noticed that I definitely popped a little more and it looks more like a bump now. I'm so glad that the secret is out and we don't have to hide it anymore.

Niall's POV
It feels so good to be back in London and for both of our families to be here together and finally know about the baby now. When the jet lagged kicked in for Kristyn and I we knew it was time for bed we laid down in bed I leaned down and gave our baby a kiss. Kristyn and I cuddled in each other's arms and fell asleep a little while later. I'm so glad I'm married to a girl like Kristyn and I can't wait for our little girl to see what a great mom she will be!


Hey guys!

I have some ideas for the next few chapters that will really give this book a twist. But I'm not sure if y'all would like that so if you would like that  put it down in the comments below! Thanks guys and I will be looking forward to seeing what y'all think!


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