Chapter 24

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Niall's POV

It was the next day and we're still in the hospital but Kristyn is feeling a lot better so if Liam thinks that she is looking good then we can go home tonight. Kristyn's parents are coming from London today to meet Kaylyn and I'm so excited for them to meet her because Kaylyn is the first granddaughter on Kristyn's side since Liam doesn't have any kids yet.

Kristyn's POV 

I'm so excited to see my parents and for them to met their granddaughter I just know that they are going to love her. Liam came in a little bit ago to check on me and he asked me how I was feeling and I told him I was feeling great so he cleared us to go home tonight. He also said that he was gonna come back up when mom and dad got here so that we can all have family time and get some more cuddles with Kaylyn. My parents texted me and said they had landed and they're about an hour out. I asked Niall if he could keep an eye on Kaylyn so that I can take a shower and change before they get here he said of course and I went to the bathroom to take my shower. I got out of the shower a few minutes later and I asked Niall if he could help me get my hair into a towel because I can't bend down because of my stitches he gladly agreed and helped me I'm so grateful to have him.

Karen's POV 

I'm so excited to meet my granddaughter this is our first grandchild and we're so excited to meet her. I know Kristyn's very happy to be a mom because that's all she wanted to be was a wife and mom when she grew up it took them a little while to become parents because of Niall's career with One Direction then going straight into being a solo artist. I'm glad they decided to start a family and I'm so happy for them.

Geoff's POV 

Karen and I just landed in Dublin and we are heading to Mullingar to meet our new granddaughter Kaylyn. I'm so excited to meet her and I can't believe that our only daughter is a mom I watched Kristyn and Liam be born and I watched both of them grow into the adults they are now. My proudest moment out of both of them is watching Kristyn in her marriage and not just the band for Liam but becoming a doctor whenever the band were taking a break. Niall is such a great husband to Kristyn and I know he will be a great dad. Karen and I got our luggage and got our rental car and we headed to Mullingar to meet Kaylyn!

Niall's POV 

Kristyn was in the shower and I was watching Kaylyn and she is such an easy baby Kristyn and I definitely got lucky with her. Kristyn got out of the shower a few minutes later  and she asked me if I could help her get her hair into a towel because she can't bend over  because of her stitches. After I helped her get her hair into a towel she was able to put on normal clothes instead of a hospital gown and we waited for her parents to get here.

Karen's POV 

We got to the hospital and we walked in and Liam was walking around talking to other doctors so we went up to him and he brought us up to Kristyn's room. We got to her room and when we walked in Kaylyn was wide awake and happy. I started tearing up when I got to hold her and then I handed her over to Geoff.

Geoff's POV 

Karen handed Kaylyn over to me and she is a little Kristyn all the way she has some features of Niall but for the most part she's a little Kristyn she has Niall's hair color and both of their eye color since they both have blue eyes I just can't stop looking at her.

Kristyn's POV 

Seeing my parents and brother with my daughter is so sweet. They're gonna be so excited that we're moving to Ireland to be closer I can't wait to tell them. I also asked my family if they can help us pack because we were leaving in a few hours and they helped us packed up and I got Kaylyn dressed in the outfit that I came home in and when my parents saw her in it they got very emotional I just love having them in town. 

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