Chapter 6

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Kenzie's POV

I watched Niall fill Kristyn's cavities and by the look of it she didn't flinch at all. I was still really scared about the whole procedure. After Niall finished with Kristyn's fillings, he set the chair up and I switched places with Kristyn while Niall went to get some new tools. Kristyn and I just talked until Niall came back and he put a bib around my neck and told me that we were going to go at my pace and he won't so anything until I was ready. He leaned the chair back and grabbed his explorer and mirror and asked me if I was ready. I nodded yes and he had open my mouth and he took a look one last time then took this Q-Tip with some green jelly on it and put it in my mouth. He left it there for a few mins then he took them out. He grabbed a needle and brought it from back around so that I wouldn't see it but I did see it. "Okay Kenzie, just a small pinch on 3. 1,2,3." He counted and then stuck the needle in my mouth. He repeated that for all the other needles I had to get and then we let the numbing sit for a little bit and Niall asked Kristyn if he could talk to her outside for a minute. I was scared to know what they were talking about.

Niall's POV

While I was checking Kenzie's X-Rays I noticed that she needs her wisdom teeth taken out but I didn't want to tell her because I knew she would be way more scared of me. So when I numbed Kenzie up we waited a few minutes then I asked Kristyn if I could talk to her outside in the hall for a few minutes. "What's up babe?" "I didn't want to tell Kenzie this because I know she's already scared of me and I didn't want her to be more scared of me. But she needs to have her wisdom teeth taken out. Her mouth is too small for them to grow in and if she doesn't get them taken out then she could have problems with her teeth later on in life." "You need to tell her babe. She'll understand." "Will you tell her for me?" "Babe. Just tell her it will be just fine." "Okay. Also you need to have yours out as well." "I kind of figured I did." "We'll do yours another time because yours don't need to come out as bad as Kenzie's does." "Okay. Sounds good." We went back into the room and I asked Kenzie if she was numb and she said yes. I sat down on my rolling chair and grabbed a new pair of gloves and a mask and grabbed the drill and my mirror. I asked Kenzie to open and to my surprise she obeyed and opened.

-After procedure-

After I was finished filling Kenzie's cavities, I decided that I would tell her the bad news. "So Kenzie, there's one more thing I need to tell you." "Okay, what is it?" "When I was looking at your X-Rays I noticed that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Your mouth is too small for them and if you wait to get them out later in life then you will have a lot more problems with your teeth." " I knew this day would come at some point but I didn't think it would of been this soon. When do I have to get it done?" "I would say sometime next week." "Okay. I guess." "And don't worry, it will be the entire time so that you know who's doing it and not a total stranger." "Okay." After I was done talking to Kenzie about getting her wisdom teeth taken out, I walked with them up to the front and we scheduled Kenzie's appointment to get her wisdom teeth taken out and then I gave Kristyn a kiss and a hug and told her I would see her at home.

Kristyn's POV

After Niall was done we went up to the front and set up Kenzie's appointment to get her wisdom teeth taken out and then Niall gave me a hug and a kiss and told me that he will see me when he gets home. I nodded and hugged and kissed him and then left with Kenzie. I brought her home first and then went home and watched some TV until Niall got home from work. When Niall got home from work, he went upstairs to get changed and then came back downstairs and watched TV with me for a little bit. He then told me he scheduled my appointment to get my wisdom teeth taken out a month after Kenzie so that I can take care of her and make sure she was good before I had mine taken out. He also told me that he took a couple weeks off after my surgery so that he can take of me. I just said "Okay" and we ordered dinner and then went to bed after dinner. I love my husband so much.


Hey Guys!

Sorry for such a long wait to update! TBH, I totally forgot I had this book and so that's why I haven't updated in a while. But here's a new update and I already have plans for the next 2 chapter so be in the look out for that. Hope you guys enjoy!


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