Chapter 18

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Kristyn's POV 

I am now 30 weeks pregnant and I feel Kaylyn move every day. Niall and I are getting ready to head to Ireland where we will be staying for the rest of my pregnancy and after I have Kaylyn. Niall and I are also looking at land to build our dream home so that we can officially move back to Ireland to be close to family and my family can come up to see Kaylyn instead of coming to California to see her. Even though I'm sad to be leaving my family but I know that I will be seeing them soon.

Niall's POV 

I'm so excited to be going home and spending some more time with my family before Kaylyn comes and to look at land for our dream house. I was offered a job at the dentist office that I use to go to as a kid and they want me to come work at their office until Kaylyn is born. Kristyn and I talked about it and since we have a scheduled c-section she said I should do it for the extra money even though we're more than fine on money. I called them back and accepted the position even though I will only be doing it for 10 weeks and then I'll be taking a few months off to help Kristyn with Kaylyn. It's crazy to think that Kristyn and I have been married almost 8 years and we're gonna have our daughter born on our which would make it more special because Kristyn was her parents anniversary as well. I'm just so lucky I get to have a girl like Kristyn to be married to and carry our children and I know  she's gonna be an amazing  mom.

Kristyn's POV 

Niall and I were just about finished packing all of our things so we decided to have a date night and get some chinese food. Kaylyn loves chinese food so I'm glad it doesn't make sick. After we ate we decided to swim a little bit and sit in the hot tub as well.  I'm so excited to not be pregnant anymore and to have our daughter here. I can't wait to meet her.

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