Chapter 23

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Kristyn's POV

It was the next day and I'm feeling better just very sore Kaylyn is already a day old and Niall can't stop looking at her. Niall's parents are coming up later today to meet her and my parents are coming up in a few days. Since I had a C-Section I have to stay in the hospital for a few days  so it's the perfect time for our families to come meet Kaylyn. 

Niall's POV 

I can't believe that Kaylyn is here and that I'm a dad she is the cutest baby ever and I can't believe she's ours Kaylyn is definitely a mixture of Kristyn and I she has my hair color and both of our eyes. I'm still in shock that Kristyn and I made her and that Kristyn was able to carry her in her body for 9 months. My parents, Greg, Denise and Theo are coming up to meet her and I'm so excited for them to meet her! 

Maura's POV 

I'm so excited to go meet our granddaughter. Theo's 6 now and has been our only grandchild til now it's still crazy to think that my youngest son is a dad I love them both to death and I can't wait to meet her.

Greg's POV 

I'm so excited to meet my Niece! We've seen a lot of pics of her and she is the perfect combination of Kristyn and Niall I still can't believe that my baby brother is a dad. 

Niall's POV 

My family just texted me and said they were on their way and Kristyn just finished feeding Kaylyn so she was wide awake which was good.  Liam came in to check on Kristyn and to hold Kaylyn he told us that if Kristyn was feeling better tomorrow then we would be able to go home. We were very excited for that because we can't wait to get her home. After Liam left I got a text from my family saying they were here so I went down to the lobby to get them and brought them to our room. When we got back to the room I noticed my mom was getting emotional and I asked her what's up and she said that this was the exact room, to the number and everything, that I was born in. When she got to hold Kaylyn she didn't want to put her down it was so sweet to watch. Kaylyn started to fuss a little bit so I grabbed her and calmed her down and then handed her  to my dad and she wrapped her little hand around his finger she's going to be very very spoiled. 

Bobby's POV 

Holding my granddaughter for the first time was so sweet. She looked just like Niall when he was a baby but there was a lot of Kristyn in her as well. I handed Kaylyn off to Greg so that he could have some time with her as well.

Greg's POV 

Holding my Niece was very sweet I just looked at her and she reminded me so much of Niall she was so chill and barely cried which was Niall as a baby. I handed  Kaylyn over to Denise and she started crying because she has really bad baby fever but we haven't been able to get pregnant after Theo. After Denise got to hold Kaylyn for a while Theo got to hold her and he LOVED her he was smiling and kissing all over her it was very sweet to watch.

Kristyn's POV 

Watching Niall's family with Kaylyn was so sweet Kaylyn only fussed once while being held and Niall calmed her down immediately. They left a little while later to give us some more family time before my parents come see her tomorrow Liam has already met her because he was the one who delivered her. We also haven't told anyone that we're moving to Ireland but we plan on telling them after we get out of the hospital. Niall has transitioned into being a dad so fast and it's so cute watching him with Kaylyn I just love my little family so much. 

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