Chapter 67

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Soleil POV

"Alright Soleil, we gotta go over a few things." My Probation officer, said to me.

The first time I got locked up, they didn't provide me with a P.O because it was my first time. But since I just got out again, I have one now.

I never understood why I have to have one when I was only locked up for three days both times, but they say it's because I keep violating the rule of not fighting in public. So.

"I'm listening." I said to her.

"Alright, so because you were in violation for the second time, and registered as a convicted felon because of aggravated assault-"

"Wait- It wasn't aggravated assault because I didn't use no weapon. I just fought with these" I said holding my fists up.

"It's still aggravated assault when you brutally beat somebody." She said.

"Soooo because I defended myself. Okay." I said.

"You still hit Soleil, both times. And went to jail twice because of it. So it makes you a felon-"

"I know, I know. Continue." I said with an attitude.

"Look, right now there's certain things you can't do for the next five months." She said.

"Okay." I said.

"Like if you planned on going out of state or something, you can't. It's completely prohibited. You must complete your anger management classes and attend your counseling-"

"Man I don't need no counseling y'all act like I got issues and-"

"Soleil. You have certain issues that make you lash out and land you in prison. You're clearly angry and hurt, and it's probably because of how you were raised. And you probably have some other things going on right now that triggers your anger" She said.

She knows about my foster care situation as a child because it was in my paperwork.

"How you gone tell me how I am?" I asked.

"Because I can see it" She said.

"I'm fine. If somebody puts their hands on me, what am I supposed to do? Walk away? I ain't EVER been the one to walk away." I said.

"Call the police" She said.

"What? Hell nah man" I said. The fuck? I'm from Compton, we don't do that shit.

"Okay Soleil or just do your best to make sure you don't have to fight." She said.

"That whole situation was not my fault, I was definitely provoked that entire time. They were leaning on me, pushing me, and verbally saying things to get me going. AND they hit me first. But nobody wants to talk about that" I said.

"So you're big on just fighting to solve the problem?" She asked me sarcastically.

"No, I'm big on RESPECT. I'll die behind mine." I said and she just looked at me.

I sighed and rubbed my face. I'm just tired of this.

"Look Soleil, I'm not trying to make you angry. But me and you? Have to work together so you have to just take heed to what I'm saying." She said.

"Alright. I'm listening." I said.

"Okay... So, like I said, no traveling outside the state for the next five to six months, you have to complete your anger management classes, attend your counseling, and you have three court dates to attend next month." She said.

I sighed.

All that because I defended myself, both times I got locked up. Ridiculous.

And Tremaine goes through the same shit, because he has a P.O as well, since he's been locked up three times.

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