Meeting again/ robby moves bsck in with ellie snd her mum, agreeing to a date

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Ellie's POV
I'm really missing robby, I'm with quin, rhyme, kayla, astrid,steph,birdie and Rooney at juniors, quin looks at me and says "apparently Robbys coming back to at away, after the way Carlos treated you, I know you missed him". I look at the girls and say " I did, I still do, I'm not excusing what Carlos did but I never felt with him the way I did with Robby", rhyme says " hey There's still hope for you two, Carlos treated you like shit and then ( raped you)". She whispers the bit in brackets, I look at all the girls and say " any updates on your life lives". They all fill me in, rhyme and tk are dating again, kayla and flash got back together and astrid and Wes have been on a few dates. I go back home and see my mum, she says " Robby came back, he's in his room if you want to see him, and yes you have my permission to date again just be more careful than you were with Carlos". I go into his room and knock on his door, he says "come in", I walk in and close the door, he goes up to me and hugs me, he lifts me up and I hug him, it feels amazing to be in his arms again.

Robbys POV
I look at ellie and say " I missed you so much ellie, how's things going with Carlos?", She reply's" I missed you to". She breaks down I hug her and we sit on my bed, I say "what's wrong ellie ?", she looks at me and says " Carlos, he seemed nice, then he started abusing me, then when i said  I didn't want to be with him anymore he raped me".  I hug her and says " ellie I'm so sorry he put you through that, I hope you know I'd never do that to you". She nods and says " of course I know that Robby", we get under the covers and watch a movie, halfway through the movie I hold ellies hand, she says " Robby I fell like I'm ready to go on a date again, so will you go on a date with me next week?". I look at her and say " of course I will ellie and I'm planing it", I kiss her and she kisses back I fall back with her on top of me and we make out for a bit, then she leaves my rooom, I'm so happy, I hope she enjoyed the makout as much as I did.

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