Ellie asks robby if he wants to be offiical again?

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Ellie's POV
Today I'm going to be asking Robby if he wants to be official again, I'm meeting kayla, Quinn and rhyme at juniors, to discuss final arrangements.  I head to juniors sand see the girls, I join them, kayla looks at me and says " how are you feeling about tonight?", I reply " I'm so nervous what if he says no", rhyme looks at me and says " if he does well give him a price of our mind for breaking up with you in the first place".  I say " that wasn't his fault, it was nine for kissing Carlos even if it was for a movie, I also pretended to be cool with long distance ". Quin looks at me and says " he won't say no ellie, I've never not seen him smile when he's around you, he loves you so much ",  kayla says " Quinn's right , we need to discuss final arrangements for tonight".  We decide to set up the school and have a scavenger hunt guiding him to me, and I'm sat on the bench where we broke up, I won't to make it a special place for us.  We get the schools permission to do it at 6pm, we get the chicken girls and boys to help with the plan and a scavenger hunt.

Robbys POV
I get a text from Ellie to meet her in the school, at the entrance I see Stephanie with a note it says head into the debate classroom. I'm loving this scavenger hunt and I'm really grateful that the chicken girls and boys are helping. I take the las notable from rhyme saying to go to the bench where we broke up. I go up to the bench and see Ellie in a beautiful dress, I join her and kiss her. I sit in front of her and she takes my hands and says " Robby I'm sure you remember this spot for a bad reason well i want to change that". I'm so confused right now and Ellie's carries on " Robby I've thought about that day, so much, I want to do this tonight, will you be my boyfriend again?". I kiss her spin her around and say " of course I will ellie, sand I've thought about this spot as well ". We kiss and head home, we plan our first Holliday with the chicken girls and boys next week, I can't wait we're going to Hawaii, we're going to be in swimwear pretty much every day. I can't wait to see Ellie In a bikini, just the thought of it is turning me on so much, we fall asleap hugging with her head on my chest in Ellie's bed, Ellie's mum is fine with us shareing a room now as we're together and we're going to college together in august.

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