Carlos returns/ arested

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Ellie's POV
Steph and Rooney got engaged last week, we're all really happy for them, there engagement party is tonight. I've brought an engagement ring to propose to Robby with,  his cancer scare  made me realise how much I love him, it's funny to think this time last year I was recovering from Carlos and now I'm the happiest I've ever been with Robby. I go to my class and sit next to rhyme, the tutor comes up to me and says " theres someone waiting at reception for you". I leave the class wondering who it could be, I make my way to the reception and see someone I never wanted to see ever again, CARLOS. He looks at me and  says " Ellie I missed you so much", I yell " Carlos you abused me all throughout our relationship and then raped me, stay away from me". He yells " you ungrateful bitch I treated you the way you deserved to be treated and this is how you treat me", Stephanie comes up and says " stay away from her, Ellie go outside while I deal with this phsyco". I run out and sit on a bench, I think I'm having a panic attack.

Robbys POV
I've just finished my lesson and I'm walking around the campus to my next lesson when I see Ellie having a panic attack. I see flash walking and say " flash mate can you say I won't be in the next lesson,". He nods and I sit next to Ellie hug her and say " what's wrong babe?", she looks at me and says " Carlos is back, he's in the reception, he denied everything ". I'm absolutely furious how dare he accuse her of lying, Steph comes up and says  " Ellie he's still there", I get off the bench and see Carlos in the reception, Ellie whispers " babe please don't do anything", I approach Carlos and say " from now on stay away from my girlfriend, she told me what you did and I've already called the police the police burst in and arrest him. He pleads guilty so a trial isint needed. Later we're feting dressed for the engagement party I say " babe r u sure you want to go tonight", she nods and says " we owe it to Rooney and Steph". We go to the party and spend the rest of the night with yhrr we chicken girls and boys, I'm so relieved Ellie can now live without Carlos.

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