Chapter 2: Addicted.

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Hannah's POV:
Ah wow. I didnt even sleep last night. I was up on Omegle ALL NIGHT LONG! I met a few cool people that i started texting. There's Craig, Josh, Hosea, and a few others. They are all older than me of course. Not many young people get on there.

My morning was the same as usual. Lay in bed til i only have about 10 minutes to get ready, get up, put on my usual wardrobe which is colored skinny jeans, A band t shirt, and some converse. Then i go in the bathroom brush my teeth, throw my hair into a messy bun or straighten it and leave it down. Then i go start my brothers car.

My brother Josiah drives me to school every day. I hate riding the bus. The car rides with him are for the most parts silent between us. We rarely talk. I wish i was closer to him, i really do. But hes the popular type and has a lot of friends. He is a senior. Football player, every girl wants him. Its quite annoying if you have siblings more perfect than yourself

I sit in his black Charger with my headphones in. Trying to overcome the sound of his horrific music. Im into the hard core metal stuff. Its loud and i like it. We pull up to the parking lot and i look around. Waiting for someone to come say hi to me. But of course every day is the same. I sit alone until the bell rings.

First hour is sooo boring. It just drags on! Its like just watching the clock for an hour. I mean class really sucks when all of the jocks are in there and they all talk about the people they like and the guys or girls that asked for their numbers. I wish i was popular. Id do anything to become one of them.

Today is going to be a short day because we have half a day at school. Yesss. More time on Omegle for me.

"Ms Lucas may i use the restroom?" I ask desperately.

"Make it quick, you have work to do", she says.

"Uhm.. I finished already" i reply.

"Okay just go quickly please" she said.

I rush out of the room into the restroom which is about 10 feet away. Its just across the hallway. I enter my password into my phone. 6239. The password was meant to keep my dad out of my phone but he knows it anyway. I get onto Omegle just to find someone to text. I found someone named Logan. Hm he seems cool. I wash my hands and go back to class without even using the bathroom i intended to.

I walk back into the class and i interrupt. "Ooops", I say as i sit down in my seat. The teacher continues with her lesson on how the different Ecosystems interact with each other.

This is so boring. I have already learned about this in like 3rd grade.

"Look at her butt", says one jock to the other as i walk by.


I only get noticed because of my body. I have perfect curves. Big butt, nice sized boobs, skinny waist, and flat stomach. I wear hoodies most of the time so nobody can tell that i even have boobs. I want to be noticed for something other than my body.

Well im off to next hour where all i do is sit there because my work half the time is already done. Kamryn is there with me but we hardly talk.

Gosh im so hungry i just want it to be lunch already!! We dont get to eat lunch until 1:05 which really sucks because last year it was 11:32 so like its weird and very hard to get used to. I dont know who im gonna eat with today for lunch. I usually eat with Legend but its all awkward because we dated in like 5th grade. And he told on me about 5 months ago.

He told on me because i told him i was gonna kill myself. I mean i guess i would of told on me too but i had to go to counciling and stuff. It sucked!

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