Chapter 24: Pregnant life.

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Sabastion's POV:
Hannah has been staying with me for about 2 and a half weeks now. She's pretty great. She's my dream girl. And by the way she acts around me... Im pretty sure I'm her dream guy. Ever since Stevie left her, she's been pretty isolated but when I mess with her and stuff it makes her smile.

Every time I poke her or anything like that she smiles, looks away, and turns red. I absolutely love it. It is so adorable. I think I want to be with her but I'm not sure if she feels the same way and we haven't known each other for very long so it's best we just wait.

"Hannah come here" I yelled.

She was in the shower. I'm taking her out to eat for breakfast. It's 6 am. I needed her though because I was going to pay her. She's a very good helper even when I'm not gone with my band.

"Sabastion I don't feel good!" She yelled from inside the bathroom.

I rushed inside the bathroom and saw her leaned over the toilet.

"What's wrong?!" I yelled, lifting up her hair.

*throws up*

"Ew" I laughed.

"I don't feel good" Hannah said angrily.

"Sorry sorry sorry" I sighed, trying to hold in the laughter.

She kept throwing up and I knew I had to take her to the doctor. Even her face was becoming pale.

"Stay here it will be okay" I assured her.

I walked out of the bathroom and went into the kitchen and looked around for some sort of bucket. I couldn't find one so I went outside and got one. I brought it inside and set it on the couch.

I went back into the bathroom and grabbed a hair tie off of the counter and put Hannah's hair up and out of her face.

"Thanks" she swallowed.

I went back into the kitchen and grabbed a wash cloth and soaked it with hot water. I walked back into the bathroom and placed the cloth on Hannah's head.

"I need to take you to the doctor" I said.

"Okay" she said, standing up.

She threw up again and I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up. I went into the living room and grabbed the bucket off the couch and handed it to her. I carried her out to my car and we got inside.

I pulled up to the urgent care and we went inside.

"Hi do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Um no ma'am" i replied.

I walked Hannah over to a chair and then I went back to the front desk. I grabbed the paperwork and filled everything out.

"Have a seat and we will be with you in a moment" she smiled.

I sat down next to Hannah and looked at her. I kissed her on the forehead.

"It will be okay" I smiled.

She smiled back weakly.

"Hannah White" a lady called out.

I grabbed Hannah's hand and walked with her to the doctors office. She sat down on the bed thing and the doctor checked her temperature and blood pressure.

"This is a weird question but have you two... Had sex in the past 3 weeks?" The doctor asked.

Hannah and I looked at each other. I looked at the doctor and shook my head.

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