Chapter 7: This could be a new start.

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Hannah's POV:
I hung up my FaceTime. This lady is Stephens Aunt. What the heck. How weird. I really didn't know how to react.

"Honey what did that person say?" Susan asked.

"You're Stephens AUNT?!" I yelled.

"You were talking to him?" She asked.

"Umm yeah" i replied.

I really didn't know what to do. This was weird. Very weird indeed. I don't think i have ever been in a more awkward situation. A few minutes later Susan brought me a bowl of something i had never seen before and a large glass or water with lemon in it.

I thanked her as she sat down next to me. We talked about Stephen which was more awkward than cool.

"He's a really sweet kid" she said.

"Yeah from what I've seen" i added.

"Would you like to meet him?" Susan asked me.

"Yes!" I smiled.

"Well we will leave tomorrow for Ohio alright sweetie.?" Susan implied.

"Okay" i said as i took a deep breath in.

Was this a good idea at all..? What if she was a rapist or something? I mean it couldn't be worst than what happened with Quinton i guess.

"You okay dear?" Susan asked me.

Was i okay?

"Yeah" i said, trying to keep a polite smile upon my face.

I Facetimed Stephen again. I laid on the hotel bed talking to him. It was awkward a little bit in some way but it was alright i mean i wasn't about to stop talking to him because i met his aunt. That would be completely unnecessary.

I was kind of glad that we would be meeting soon. Ohio is kind of far away so i wonder if we will be going in a car.

The hotel room wasnt that big ya know considering its a hotel room and theres like a million rooms that have to fit. Anyway i know that Susan heard everything that Stephen and i talked about. We usually have boring conversations but now for some reason i feel we got closer since i met a family member of his.

"Tell my aunt i said hey" Stephen said.

"Susan!! Stephen says hey!" I shouted, hoping she was able to hear me.

"There i did" i told Stephen.

"Alright thanks love." He said.

Im really hungry and i need something to eat.

I grab something to eat. Im just always so hungry. I was hot so i took off my jacket.

Susan looked at my wrist and saw the scars. "Why did you do that?" She asked.

I didnt really know what to say. I didnt want to be rude and say none of your business. But i also dont want to enter her into my life because it really is none of her business.

"Its just old scars" i said.

She looked at me as if they were really bad. I mean i guess they kind of are but still. She gave me that what-the-fuck look.

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

"I dunno.." I shrugged.

I wasnt going to tell her anything because it would be really weird and crazy to tell someone everything when i had barley met them.

"You obviously do know or you wouldn't have done it." Susan said as she rolled her eyes and put some hair behind her ear.

"I dont want to talk about it. To anyone. Ever again." I said.

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