Chapter 25: Best Things.

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Sabastion's POV:
The baby came out. I was in the room. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever watched. The doctor got the baby cleaned up and everything. I followed them over to where they cleaned her up. She was a pretty baby. Definantly got her mommas looks.

I'm so glad to be a father. I will not leave Hannah. I'm picturing our wedding right now. I love her so much. I don't want my baby girl growing up without a father like I did. It's hell. Anyways I walked back to Hannah and smiled at her as the lady handed her the baby.

I looked at Hannah and I think we were thinking the same thing. We didn't figure out a name for the baby. She hates the name Beatrice so...

Her eyes widened and she bursted into laughter.

"Babe oh my gosh" she laughed.

"We don't have a name" I sighed.

"It's Beatrice" she smiled, looking down at the baby.

The doctors left the room so it was just Hannah, the baby and I.

"I thought you hated that name?" I laughed.

"Well I can learn to like it because you do" she smiled.

"Aw that's so sweet babe" I said, kissing her on the cheek.

I'm so glad this wasn't a huge birth. Usually people have their whole families and stuff there. I'm happy it's just my beautiful girlfriend, our baby girl, and I.

I don't know when the right time is but I am going to ask Hannah to marry me. Her and this baby are the only girls I need in my life and if I don't marry Hannah then nothing will be official so I have to find a way..

Hannah's POV:
The doctor handed me my baby. She was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life. I thought about it for a second and I just wanted to make Sabastion happy right now. More than anything. He looked at me and I'm sure he thought that we were thinking the same thing. But we weren't.

I told him that we could name the baby Beatrice. I mean its a weird ass name but anything to make him happy. The name could be weirder I guess. Like Tree or Lala. But I'm just happy now. I could care less how weird the babies name is. At least she's mine forever. And Sabastion's but I could fight that. I carried her around for 9 months in my stomach. I held her so carefully. She was so small. Her tiny fingers grasped my hands. She has brown eyes and brown hair, just like her dad but she has my nose and mouth.

Sabastion leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back and we started talking to Beatrice.

"Beatrice this is daddy. You're cute. You need to hear my voice so you know who I am and look at my face even though your eyes aren't open."he laughed.

Then he began singing to her while grabbing her small, delicate hand. I took a deep breath and handed Beatrice to Sabastion. I smiled at him and he kissed her on the forehead as he continued to sing to her.

I smiled to myself. A baby. All a girl ever wants. Until they grow up. But oh well. The doctor said we could go home as soon as the birth certificate was completed. We signed our names and Beatrice's too. Beatrice Mali. And we decided to give her Sabastion's last name. We are probably going to be getting married and we will all end up having the same last name.

Beatrice Mali Provencio.

We wrapped Beatrice in two blankets and grabbed our stuff and left the hospital. We got the carseat we set up which was already in the car and we placed her inside.

We got back to the house and I looked around.

"I don't want the baby growing up in filthy" I laughed.

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